Life = Death - volume 2 - Poems on Life , Death Page 8
I didn't know whether to timelessly incarcerate every cursed breath of mine in chains of isolation; or whether to tirelessly march through a graveyard of sickness; where the ghosts of disease made every instant of my life more crippling than an infinite deaths,
I didn't know whether to lasciviously slit every patch of robustness in my throat with the satanic garden shears; or whether to truculently blast even the most inconspicuous element of sensitivity in my ears with perniciously ribald bombs,
I didn't know whether to indiscriminately inundate every pore of my slavering body with unfathomably unforgivable bitterness; or whether to greedily slurp asphyxiating acid down my throat in incomprehensibly luxurious amounts,
I didn't know whether to forever disappear into the corridors of bawdily nonchalant nothingness; or whether to continuously lick victimizingly threadbare dirt on the lavatory broomstick; like an irascible cockroach all my life,
I didn't know whether to become a live carrion for the egregiously cannibalistic vultures; or whether to surprisingly come in front of a speeding truck; being massacred to a gory absolution without the slightest intimation or respite,
I didn't know whether to limitlessly hurt myself like an uncontrollably prurient imbecile; or whether to jinx myself with the most uxoriously tyrannical spirits of fretfully decimating doom,
I didn't know whether to baselessly howl the last chord of my throat till the threshold of infinite infinity; or whether to perch my diminutive form upon the belligerently flaming pyre; for an irrefutable isolation from the vagaries of this manipulatively
prejudiced planet,
I didn't know whether to eat ominously bellicose cyanide for dessert; or whether to forever snap my inconsequential reflection from the periphery of this fathomless earth; devastatingly fading into a corpse of lunatic darkness,
Her loss was so profoundly unbearable that I really didn't know how to die; Her untimely departure was the most irreversible defeat that I had faced in the chapter of my truncated life,
And therefore; all that I intransigently sought for today; was a death more ghastlier than the most horrific of death could ever dream of or could ever be; such a penalizingly lambasting corner in the coffins of diabolical hell; where the absence of her divinely sacrosanct form would never ever make me cry again.
31. WHO SAYS ?
Who the senseless says that I insatiably craved for your wonderfully tantalizing smiles every instant; to blissfully lead the chapter of vivaciously beautiful life?
As a matter of fact; I inexorably drowned myself in the same; to profusely enjoy ghastly death to its ultimate fullest; till times immemorial.
Who the lackadaisical says that I unrelentingly yearned for your seductively rampant senses every instant; to bountifully unfurl the unsurpassably vibrant colors of life ?
As a matter of fact; I tempestuously drowned myself in the same; to insurmountably enjoy gory death to its ultimate fullest; till infinite more births yet to come.
Who the dastardly says that I unstoppably ached for your beautifully embellished eyelashes ever instant; to bask in the unshakably enthralling aura of timeless life ?
As a matter of fact; I wildly drowned myself in the same; to fathomlessly enjoy macabre death to its ultimate fullest; till centuries unprecedented.
Who the feckless says that I dogmatically wished for your majestically silken caress every instant; to trigger a boundless civilization of ingratiatingly exuberant life ?
As a matter of fact; I extravagantly drowned myself in the same; to limitlessly enjoy satanic death to its ultimate fullest; till moments unceasing and galore.
Who the preposterous says that I unendingly trembled for your melodiously enticing voice every instant; to uncontrollably bathe in a valley of euphorically fantastic life ?
As a matter of fact; I irrevocably drowned myself in the same; to profoundly enjoy ominous death to its ultimate fullest; till countless more world's to come.
Who the idiosyncratic says that I indefatigably aspired for your charismatically electric sweat every instant; to fructify into the most eternally handsome fruits of spellbindingly enigmatic life ?
As a matter of fact; I irretrievably drowned myself in the same; to regally enjoy sadistic death to its ultimate fullest; till incomprehensibly inexhaustible of times.
Who the nonsensical says that I hysterically longed for your lusciously? enamoring sweetness every instant; to fabulously bloom into the paradise of marvelously fragrant life ?
As a matter of fact; I unconquerably drowned myself in the same; to uninhibitedly enjoy barbaric death to its ultimate fullest; till boundaries and? limits indefinable.
Who the decrepit says that I tirelessly hankered for your rhapsodically titillating blushing; to spawn into the most symbiotically emollient effulgence of blessing life ?
As a matter of fact; I indomitably drowned myself in the same; to prolifically enjoy hedonistic death to its ultimate fullest; till the time existence continued to thrive .
And Who the treacherous says that I maniacally slavered for your ardently fresh-bride love; to magnificently replenish into the whirlwind of perennially compassionate life ?
As a matter of fact; I irretrievably drowned myself in the same; to ravishingly enjoy bizarre death to its ultimate fullest; till earth blended wholesomely with azure sky.
The most treacherously ungainly manipulation miserably dithered to perturb me; as I unflinchingly marched on the path of blazingly scintillating righteousness,
But what was killing me more than horrific death every unfurling instant; was the amorphously devilish dungeon of; remorseful loneliness.
The most murderously bizarre conventionalism horrendously staggered to dent me even an infinitesimal trifle; as I fulminated into a gloriously embellished festoon of unhindered creativity,
But what was killing me more than cadaverous death every passing instant; was the truculently abhorrent corpse of; dastardly loneliness.
The most salaciously perverted of lunatics grotesquely failed to taint my conscience even a diminutive speck; as I eternally supported the cause of immortally fantastic truth till the very last breath of my impoverished life,
But what was killing me more than asphyxiating death every unleashing instant; was the barbarously coldblooded parasite of; lethal loneliness.
The most domineeringly chauvinistic egoists pathetically stuttered in trying to make me a quintessential part of their group; as I sat on the leaf of nature's pristine vivaciousness for centuries immemorial,
But what was killing me more than crippling death every unfurling instant; was the egregiously bloodsucking leech of; satanic loneliness.
The most tawdrily titillating of vixens devastatingly staggered in trying to invidiously infiltrate my virginity; as I dedicated even the most fugacious moment of my destitute life; to the service of philanthropically resplendent mankind,
But what was killing me more than traumatic death every instant; was the lecherously venomous thorn of; simpering loneliness.
The most ominously macabre traitors endlessly lost in insidiously trying to purchase the unfathomably puristic sanctity of my soul; as I timelessly galloped in through the lanes of unconquerably brilliant righteousness,
But what was killing me more than irascible death every unraveling instant; was the sadistically truculent fog of; vindictive loneliness.
The most morbidly disparaging tricksters preposterously fumbled in fooling my innovatively discerning senses; as I victoriously clambered to the pinnacle of benevolently enlightening success; all throughout the chapters of my vibrantly eclectic life,
But what was killing me more than decrepit death every advancing instant; was the mordantly discordant voice of; bellicose loneliness.
The most hedonistically sultry betrayal disappeared into wisps of decaying oblivion; as it tried to sleazily perpetuate into my ecstatically spell binding aura
of compassionate vividness,
But what was killing me more than pernicious death; was the pruriently prattling scarecrow of; deteriorating loneliness.
And the most ignominiously diabolical extinction inconsolably wailed; as it gruesomely decimated in front of my spirit of insatiably untamed and sensuously exhilarating adventure,
But what was killing me more than savage death; was the acrimoniously incarcerating prison of; delinquent loneliness.
The murderously monotonous tycoon got up with a sordid groan even before the cock could crow outside his bedroom window; to nonchalantly squabble his sanctimonious appointments for the morning,
While I snored like a gentle giant all day; evading every trace of ferociously atrocious daylight; only to profusely drown myself into a paradise of celestial poetry; all throughout the voluptuously star studded night.
The indiscriminately slandering tycoon got up with in a state of inexplicably ungainly shock; treacherously preparing his every bone to walk with his corporate comrades and with only a pair of shorts on his body; in the uncontrollably trembling wind of the winter dawn,
While I unrelentingly fantasized with my eyes perennially shut all blistering day; only to insatiably churn unfathomable volumes of poetry; in the heart of the ravishingly pearly night.
The derogatorily corrupt tycoon got up as even the most mercurial of ant tickled his foot; envisaging it to be his dreadfully dastardly boss; snapping his salary for the month,
While I romantically shut my lids to the sunshine drifting down the majestic hills all day; only to intransigently fulminate into a catharsis of heart rendering poetry; in the lap of the iridescently beautiful night.
The truculently chauvinistic tycoon got up and stirred the entire household awake; even as the yawn dogmatically refrained to leave his inexorably aching mouth,
While I innocuously sang and snoozed all day with the symbiotic beats of Nature Divine; only to spawn into an entrenchment of unassailably priceless poetry; in
the fabric of the sensuously enchanting night.
The maliciously grotesque tycoon got up to the first rings of his sleazily embellished mobile phone; for which he gave the most indescribable of abuse but still considered it more than his wife and the only measly mantra for his life,
While I cozily tucked myself under the caverns of unprecedented enthrallment all blazingly unstoppable day; only to magically inundate the atmosphere with eclectically vibrant poetry; in the miraculously healing rhythm of the spell bindingly
panoramic night.
The perfidiously barbarous tycoon got up like frigidly colorless icecream; wholesomely brainwashed by the chill of his state-of-the-art airconditioner; and the
ostentatiously bizarre whisky that he had consumed to please his clients; the evening before,
While I surreally wandered like an unhindered prince through the ebulliently cascading waterfalls all day; only to euphorically erupt into a festoon of sacrosanct poetry; in the everlastingly effulgent cadence of the regally rain soaked night.
The obnoxiously white collar tycoon got up asphyxiating the throat of his adorable wife; perceiving it to be the whiplash of his maliciously decrepit senior; as his nightmare continued relentlessly mercilessly,
While I assimilated all benign goodness of this scintillating planet with my eyelashes curled all day; only to timelessly gallivant with the heaven of immaculate poetry; in the playground of the ecstatically moonlit night.
The invidiously blood sucking tycoon got up with a cleaver on his newborn's throat; for inadvertently teaching him to uninhibitedly rest and reap,
While I fantastically obfuscated myself far away from the insipid vagaries of this planet all day; only to remarkably revel in the aura of godly poetry; in the heart of the ingratiatingly charismatic and vivid night.
O! Yes my life was infinite times more blessed than the satanically marauding and hollow tycoon; for although he had all laurels and wealth in this world to whimsically execute,
He eventually went to the Lord's hell for diffusing abhorrently prejudiced unhappiness in every molecule around him; while I immortally lived even after death
without even earning a single penny; in the breath of my Omnipotent poetry.
Do you want to lecherously quaver like a miserably dwindling serpent; even though scarlet blood still circulated with insatiably untamed exuberance through your poignant veins ?
Do you want to prattle like an insanely macabre ghost; even though the most ingeniously innovative fantasies ebulliently fulminated in the dormitories of your
wonderfully precocious brain ?
Do you want to crumble like a disdainfully infidel matchstick to lick threadbare dust on the floor; even though astoundingly fantastic muscle bulged from your legs and splendidly robust arms ?
Do you want to indefatigably inundate the atmosphere with irascibly impudent abuse; even though the winds of philanthropic benevolence profoundly encapsulated the chords of your bountiful throat ?
Do you want to implacably exude into vomits of dastardly diseased blood every now and again; even though the chemistry of your visage was tenaciously programmed to unflinchingly confront even the most truculently turbulent of storm ?
Do you want to indiscriminately massacre countless innocent in atrocious rage; even though the most benign principles of priceless humanity enshrouded you in blissful timelessness ?
Do you want to ruthlessly maraud every vibrantly enamoring wave of freshness in your persona; even though you were marvelously endowed by the Almighty Lord; to spawn into majestically artistic newness every unfurling minute of the day ?
Do you want to intransigently rot in obnoxiously cadaverous perspiration; even though the scent of insuperably glorious righteousness congenitally wafted from your holistic soul ?
Do you want to stupidly bark all invincibly priceless secrets of your life infront of your penalizing enemy; even though the citadels of irrevocably fascinating solidarity enveloped you like an immaculately fascinating prince ?
Do you want to barbarously immolate your very own mesmerizing kin; even though the paradise of fructifying sagaciousness profusely kissed you on every step that you nimbly tread ?
Do you want to look like an uncouthly blood-shot scarecrow; even though your countenance tirelessly burgeoned with the ointment of effulgently panoramic
mother nature ?
Do you want to lackadaisically submerge yourself into a corpse of diabolically pernicious depression; even though an ocean of unfathomably ebullient rhapsody fervently waited for you at your doorstep ?
Do you want to enroll yourself into the depravingly malicious classrooms of baseless obsolescence and morbidity; even though endless cloudbursts of enthralling fantasy tumultuously proliferated in the sparkling whites of your eye ?
Do you want to metamorphose yourself into a tawdrily libidinous spirit; even though unsurpassable gardens of everlasting prosperity magnificently sprouted from the innermost crannies of your nerves ?
Do you want to get criminally entangled in an unending labyrinth of invidiously sinister underworld complications; even though the gloriously embellished fountain of blissful humanity radiated copiously from your innocent eyes ?
Do you want to fall beneath the mortuaries of isolation in the eyes of your revered elders for profane misdemeanor; even though the bow of respectful graciousness perennially brandished your non-invasive soul ?
Do you want to keep ghoulishly staggering on cold-blooded stone for infinite births that the Lord granted you life; even though unstoppably blazing enthusiasm jubilantly circumvented each of your intricate senses ?
Do you want to savagely constrict your own limitless freedom; even though the voice of unequivocal uninhibitedness intrepidly leapt from your stupendously emollient personality ?
Do you want to fretfully dilapidate behind satanically gleaming pr
ison bars; even though you had the impregnable aura to aristocratically discern between the good and flagrantly morass ?
Do you want to lethally snap the fangs of your very own existence in your fit of disparagingly idiosyncratic senselessness; even though an indomitable civilization of creative energy descended upon your altruistically unfettered stride ?
Do you want to project yourself as the ultimate fool on this earth muttering lividly grousing balderdash; even though the most commemorated symposiums of