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Life = Death - volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death Page 8
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Infact I profoundly relished the most invincibly grandiloquent fruits of creation; as you philanthropically stared and admired every hidden attribute of my demeanor; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless more births of mine.
I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world acridly abused me for solely following the innermost voices of my heart; thrashed me like an orphaned bundle of frigidly insipid dust to the walls of horrendously diabolical oblivion,
Infact I felt like the most formidably ecstatic force on this Universe; as you wholesomely engulfed me in your unconquerably celestial shadow; immortally
accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless more births of mine .
And I was really not upset the slightest about the fact that; the entire world exhaled each of their breaths more vociferously; just in order that I perpetually vanish into fragile wisps of baseless extinction; and treacherously die,
Infact I felt myself gloriously proliferating into a blissful planet of astounding newness every instant; as you bonded each passionate beat of your heart forever with mine; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless more births of mine.
Yesterday was a thing of the acrimoniously disheartening past; melting insipidly into wisps of nonchalantly obsolete oblivion,
C’mon let’s march unflinchingly forward with untamed fervor; blaze like the Sun of righteous ebullience; this very moment; today.
Yesterday was a thing of the remorsefully sordid past; treacherously dissolving into horizons of meaningless nothingness,
C’mon let’s embrace the winds of unequivocally philanthropic humanity; coalesce all mankind irrespective of color; creed and religion; in threads of unending compassion; this very moment; today.
Yesterday was a thing of the morbidly disillusioning past; being ruthlessly annihilating by swords of indiscriminately ghastly prejudice,
C’mon let’s bloom into a fountain of resplendently twinkling newness; ubiquitously wafting the scent of eternal mankind on every path that we tread; this very
moment; today.
Yesterday was a thing of the devastatingly gruesome past; penalizing you to the most unprecedented of limits; for ostensibly no fault of yours,
C’mon let’s magnanimously sparkle into the flower of blissful togetherness; dedicate a countless lifetimes to the service of despicably impoverished mankind; this very moment; today.
Yesterday was a thing of the dolorously tyrannical past; eventually vanquishing into the graves of desolation; like an infinitesimally wounded mosquito,
C’mon let’s miraculously bequeath a civilization of celestial contentment; upon all those shivering in murderously savage malice; this very moment; today.
Yesterday was a thing of the salaciously turgid past; pathetically dissipating into a lackadaisical mirage of non-existent worthlessness,
C’mon let’s dance ecstatically under the Omnisciently pearly moonlight; to harmoniously deluge all hearts bereaved and desolately disgruntled; with royal jewels
of stupendous enthrallment; this very moment; today.
Yesterday was a thing of the acridly abominable past; lugubriously juxtaposing with the penuriously pertinent dungeon of indolent insects,
C’mon let’s unitedly swirl into an inferno of insatiable desire; inevitably allure fathomless orphaned in the magnetism of our unparalleled charisma; this very moment; today.
Yesterday was a thing of the wretchedly sinister past; ultimately being ruthlessly kicked like a howling devil; by every element of the spell binding atmosphere,
C’mon let’s profusely blend ourselves with indispensable elements of amiable mankind; metamorphose all dithering stagnation and agony into a land more bountiful than fabulous paradise; this very moment; today.
And Yesterday was a thing of the brutally shattered past; lecherously destroyed into capricious shells of rotting dilapidation; as the minutes unfurled by,
C’mon let’s intrepidly gallop forward with the full fervor of vivaciously fertile life; procreate countless more of our kind to continue God’s most sacred chapter of existence; evolve an immortal township of love; love and only unassailable love with
our very own poignant blood; this very moment; today.
Life in deserts was sandy,
Life in caves was lonely,
Life in ocean was salty,
Life in stars was resplendent,
Life in car was modern,
Life in mountains was exhilarating,
Life in Sun was brilliant,
Life in forests was mystical,
Life in shadows was enigmatic,
Life in battlefield was belligerent,
Life in pearls was exotic,
Life in office was monotonous,
Life in sky was breezy,
Life in submarine was voluptuous,
Life in trees was mischievous,
Life in roses was fragrant,
Life in grass was intoxicating,
Life in webs was silken,
Life in paradise was divine,
Life in temples was sacrosanct,
Life in gutter was abhorrent,
Life in dirt was deplorable,
Life in rain was seductive,
Life in beehives was vivacious,
Life in wine was sensuous,
Life in computers was brazen,
Life in nests was sequestering,
Life in statues was stationary,
Life in icebergs was freezing,
Life in anthills was irascible,
Life in lakes was placid,
Life in locks was invincible,
Life in photographs was still,
Life in gardens was pleasant,
Life in mousetrap was asphyxiating,
Life in fists was curled,
Life in prison was disdainful,
Life in whirlpool was spinning,
Life in theater was dramatic,
Life in art was enchanting,
Life in boats was undulating,
Life in diamonds was glittering,
Life in moon was milky,
Life in kitchen was appetizing,
Life in beauty was ravishing,
Life in titillation was enticing,
Life in fantasy was stupendous,
Life in mothers lap was blissful,
Life in medicine was healing,
Life in corpse was standstill,
Life in lavatory was pathetic,
Life in seedlings was blossoming,
Life in horseback was gallivanting,
Life in snakeskin was slithering,
Life in oven was sizzling,
Life in greenery was sedative,
Life in rebellion was evoking,
Life in discrimination was appalling,
Life in benevolence was gratifying,
Life in humanity was God,
Life in cheese was tangy,
Life in achievement was exultating,
Life in ambition was propelling,
Life in eyelashes was flirtatious,
Life in palms was dependant,
Life in fashion was bombastic,
Life in recluse was esoteric,
Life in keyhole was inconspicuous,
Life in kites was exuberant,
Life in glass was reflecting,
Life in tea was rejuvenating,
Life in sheep was impeccable,
Life in rocks was jagged,
Life in chains was abominable,
Life in feathers was tickling,
Life in egotism was preposterous,
Life in dawn was brandnew,
Life in dewdrops was mesmerizing,
Life in intrigue was electrifying,
Life in eloquenc
e was mystifying,
Life in clock was pragmatic,
Life in childhood was nostalgic,
Life in robots was mechanical,
Life in fabric was shielding,
Life in soul was stupefying,
Life in roots was entangling,
Life in chains was hedonistic,
Life in bareness was lascivious,
Life in haziness was romantic,
Life in knives was lethal,
Life in chili was piquant,
Life in swings was fascinating,
Life in lechery was insane,
Life in rhythm was celestial,
Life in pulse was frantic,
Life in lies was cowardice,
Life in superstitions was non-existent,
Life in revenge was pugnacious,
But life in the heart of your beloved; was; is; and
will always be love; love and only love.
As much as it could stupendously perceive; it had the power to brutally devastate,
As much as it could magnanimously harbor; it had the power to corrupt the
most sagacious of truth,
As much as it could devotionally dedicate; it had the power to conceive the most unprecedentedly lecherous existing on this planet,
As much as it could intriguingly fantasize; it had the power to parasitically drain out every iota of glorious memory,
As much as it could magically evolve; it had the power to swipe traces of blissful civilization; in lightening fractions of seconds,
As much as it could fantastically tantalize; it had the power to disastrously famish the most invincible; for centuries immemorial,
As much as it could unfathomably grasp; it had the power to diabolically relinquish; within a single wink of an eye,
As much as it could reside in perpetual realms of solitude; it had the power to fulminate more treacherously than infinite volcano’s trapped beneath the earth,
As much as it could disseminate the fragrance of philanthropic mankind; it had the power to diabolically crush the immaculately impeccable in the swirl of its menacing manipulation,
As much as it could majestically accomplish; it had the power to rampantly deteriorate well beneath the rudiments of its roots,
As much as it could formidably heal; it had the power to gruesomely exacerbate the tiniest of wounds; beyond the corridors of infinite infinity,
As much as it could blossom into an island of enchanting paradise; it had the power to insidiously melt; transcending over boundaries of the most obsolete oblivion,
As much as it could divinely meditate; it had the power to indefatigably swim in torrential sea deluged with preposterously ominous sharks,
As much as it could overwhelmingly pacify; it had the power to trigger malicious fireballs of discrimination; in religions bonding as united on this earth,
As much as it could bask in the grandiloquent splendor; it had the power to recede immortally into its grave; even though it was animatedly alive,
As much as it could aristocratically relax; it had the power to tumultuously inundate benevolent goodness; with insane mad,
As much as it could ravishingly romance; it had the power to sow the seeds of despairing betrayal; in every heart it met,
As much as it could unbelievably dream; it had the power to drown in cloudbursts of cacophonic manipulation,
As much as it could unsurpassably exist; it had the power to vanish like pathetic devil; before even the winds could transgress in azure sky,
And as much as I called it my mind; believe me it had the ubiquitous power to be anybody’s 2 centimeters of brain; entrenched well within the skull and shivering
Telling me to go to office; spending marathon hours of the day under menacing eyes of my disgustingly manipulative boss,
Was like asking a man to gallop to the absolute pinnacle of Everest; without fingers on his hands; toes on his bohemian feet.
Telling me to go to office; tolerating the spurious mountain of smiles besieging my boss’s face; behind which sprouted the satanic devil,
Was like commanding the crystal blue expanse of brilliantly empty sky; to shower upon torrential cloudbursts of majestically pelting rain.
Telling me to go to office; incorrigibly adhering to each instruction of my boss; which could infact imperil the ambience of the celestially blissful surrounding,
Was like the world’s richest man not getting the object he badly wanted; even as his treasury overflowed with glittering gold and superfluously satanic silk.
Telling me to go to office; bowing down with obeisance infront of the unsurpassable battalion of blood sucking clients who frequented; the abominable interiors day
in and day out,
Was like leaving the most preposterously gigantic fish; in heart of the overwhelmingly sweltering desert.
Telling me to go to office ; singing an incessant fountain of praise for my boss in front of the treacherously conventional society; when infact my beloved fervently awaited my presence; with tears welling in her eyes,
Was like asking a soul wholesomely dead since centuries unprecedented; to bounce with euphoric exhilaration; just like a new-born child.
Telling me to go to office; breathing in monotonous space indefatigably round the clock; when infact my impeccably struggling comrades; desperately wanted my
help outside,
Was like placing the most appetizingly succulent meals on this globe before the roaring lion; when ironically he didn’t posses a single tooth in his colossal mouth.
Telling me to go to office; yes-bossing my hideously uncouth seniors; as they kicked me relentlessly on my hindside; for apparently no fault of mine,
Was like expecting a garden of mesmerizing roses to blossom on cold blooded chains of bare rock; without a droplet of rock; without a chunk of fertile soil.
Telling me to go to office; cuddling my boss’s pertinently pampered son; amiably caressing the festoon of glorious jewels on his snobbish persona; as if he was my
own blood,
Was like asking the belligerent martyr to shoot an arrow in the birds eye; without a bow in his fingers; a robust thumb on his palms.
Telling me to go to office; lick the already glowing paths with my tongue; so that the most infinitesimal speck of dirt didn’t stick to my boss’s designer class shoes,
Was like asking the flamboyantly flaming Sun; to deluge every corner of this planet; with a blanket of morbidly deplorable darkness.
So it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty lord; to make me quit horrendous office forever; relinquish its corridors of insatiable greed and malice till the time I lived,
Keep writing; evolving, fantasizing; breathing; eating; sleeping; dying and taking an infinite more births; for just poetry; poetry and just poetry.
You might be having the most powerful arms on this Universe; harboring Herculean strength in their formidable biceps,
But what use were they when you utilized them to indiscriminately trample the innocent; instead of defending your fellow comrades withering towards the
tenterhooks of absolutely despicable extinction ?
You might be having the most mesmerizing eyes in this Universe; majestically shimmering under profuselygolden rays of the Sun,
But what use were they when you utilized them to sight and blend with the evil; instead of helping innocent beings when hell rained down severely upon their
spotless countenance ?
You might be having the most magnificent smiles on this Universe; blossoming into a festoon of stupendous grandiloquence; as the moon cast its resplendence on mundane mud,
But what use were they when you utilized them to appease the hideously manipulative; instead of embracing orphaned children; trembling without theirr />
parents and benevolent mankind ?
You might be having the most robust complexioned palms in this Universe; impregnated with a myriad of destiny lines which were veritably unconquerable from all sides,
But what use were they when you utilized them to behead immaculate scalps like frigid matchsticks; instead of wiping of the tears from all those mothers; completely shattered and devastated in life ?
You might be having the most talented brain in this Universe; astoundingly remembering even the first alphabet you spoke at birth; even while you about to