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Life = Death - volume 4 - Poems on Life , Death Page 8

  And in the eyes of overwhelming hatred; there lay hidden dormant traces of perpetual love,

  Which was ready to yield; the moment you caressed and tickled it with loads of empathy blended with profound care.





  Control it; or prepare to loose all your sense of overwhelmingly sagacious prudence,

  Control it; or prepare to blend like a piece of frigid chalk in profoundly bedraggled soil,

  Control it; or prepare to slacken your invincible stranglehold on the periphery of precious life,

  Control it; or prepare to swoon down inevitably towards the ground; as the heat was no longer conducive for your nerves to bear,

  Control it; or prepare to uncouthly erase the ocean of blissfully nostalgic memories forever from your intricate mind,

  Control it; or prepare to plunge down into the fathomless deep valley; after successfully clambering up the astronomically gigantic summit,

  Control it; or prepare to punctuate gaping holes; in your impeccably synchronized plan of unconquerable triumph,

  Control it; or prepare to embarrassingly slip on a road embedded profusely with obdurate spikes,

  Control it; or prepare to let the indiscriminate flames of blistering Sun; char you to infinitesimal fragments of insipid ash,

  Control it; or prepare to accept pathetically crippling defeat; when unprecedented triumph was just a hair away,

  Control it; or prepare to plummet below the diabolical dungeons; for the ultimate spin of your life,

  Control it; or prepare to have blissful entities traversing down the streets turn for your blood; like an untamed pack of parasites,

  Control it; or prepare to start counting backwards all over once again; after reaching the colossally unfathomable numeral of infinity,

  Control it; or prepare to succumb like a mountain of ice; infront of salacious lechery and blatantly stinking lies,

  Control it; or prepare to wander in diminutive wisps of obsolete oblivion; after the planet had discarded you like a piece of shit,

  Control it; or prepare to become an impoverished victim of your own idiosyncrasies; trembling uncontrollably on the abysmally heinous crocodile,

  Control it; or prepare to get mercilessly entangled into the most treacherously complicated web; in which ironically there was no grizzly haired spider,

  Control it; or prepare to take the perilous onslaught of the hideously menacing devil on your lungs; pulverizing them to worthless sand under its satanic might,

  Control it; or prepare to relinquish the love that mattered the most to you; in your destined quota of life,

  And control your anger; or prepare to perpetually imprison yourself infinite feet beneath your grave; even when you were still breathing and more exuberant than when God had given you new life.


  Not an insouciant penny more via sleazily decrepit manipulation; and not even a priceless penny less; because of the most brutally slandering demons; heartlessly maiming every ounce of my inimitable innocence,

  Not a worthless penny more via baselessly bawdy lies; and not even a redolent penny less; because of the most chauvinistically marauding demons; vindictively plundering my virginity till beyond the realms of infinite infinity,

  Not a lackadaisical penny more via treacherously demeaning politics; and not even an insuperable penny less; because of the most tyrannically flagrant demons; mercilessly numbing each of my senses till beyond the most bizarre realms of imagination,

  Not an impoverished penny more via salaciously murderous corruption; and not even a scintillating penny less; because of the most truculently emotionless demons; crucifying me to the coffins of hell; in my robustly bountiful prime,

  Not an ethereal penny more via ominously senseless pretension; and not even an invincible penny less; because of the most preposterously fetid demons; indefatigably drowning me to the rock bottom of morbid nothingness; just in order to retain their spurious stranglehold of mother earth,

  Not a sanctimonious penny more via abhorrently impeaching prejudice; and not even a glowing penny less; because of the most hideously imbecile demons; unrelentingly perpetuating their cadaverously non-existent spirits; into my impeccable soul,

  Not an invisible penny more via deplorably hedonistic crime; and not even a wondrous penny less; because of the most venomously unsparing demons; incessantly sucking the last droplet of blood from my veins; to nonsensically try and reign supreme for times immemorial,

  Not a fugitive penny more via uncontrollably ghastly war; and not even a jubilant penny less; because of the most egocentrically wanton demons; inexorably wasting every single moment of my eclectic existence,

  Not an oblivious penny more via sacrilegiously bemoaning parasitism; and not even a victorious penny less; because of the most ignominiously sinful demons; trampling every iota of my divinely virginity; under their claws of unforgiving remorse,

  Not an evanescent penny more via cannibalistically greedy deliriousness; and not even an effulgent penny less; because of the most worthlessly roaring demons; intransigently chasing me; till both my feet sank a countless feet beneath dead soil,

  Not a penurious penny more via horrifically inconsolable orphaning; and not even a handsome penny less; because of the most tempestuously fickle-minded demons; barbarously strangulating every sound of mellifluous truth in my throat,

  Not a lackluster penny more via indescribably licentious prostitution; and not even a majestic penny less; because of the most garrulously wailing demons; indiscriminately vying for the top compartments of my scalp; ever unfurling instant of my destined life,

  Not a subjugated penny more via derogatorily desecrating nakedness; and not even a poignant penny less; because of the most rambunctiously disoriented demons; maiming my hands and feet; to make me beg on the sordidly discordant streets,

  Not an indifferent penny more via intolerably assassinating racism; and not even a compassionate penny less; because of the most maniacally lambasting demons; horrendously crippling every insinuation of enchanting fantasy; even before it could have arisen in my brain,

  Not a disappearing penny more via incomprehensibly despicable force; and not even a effervescent penny less; because of the most relentlessly sinister demons; ruthlessly disassociating every tangible part of my skull; from my blissfully blessed shoulders,

  Not an absconding penny more via forlornly valueless magic; and not even an incredulous penny less; because of the most wretchedly cursed demons; embodying their melancholically jinxed name upon my naked chest; forever and ever and ever,

  Not a deteriorating penny more via dingily shriveled nightmares; and not even an artistic penny less; because of the most torturously unsparing demons; keeping me unstoppably trembling; at the cold-bloodedly gleaming gunpoint,

  Not a dilettante penny more via lecherously pulverizing death; and not even an undefeated penny less; because of the most shamelessly trouncing demons; murderously excoriating through the fabric of my harmonious lungs; with their jaws of profusely blood-soaked malice,

  O! Yes; as all what I’d ever wanted or desired; was only what I truly deserved; was what I was truly destined for on this fathomless earth; was what I truly earned in my path towards unassailably spell-binding truth; was what I could truly and perennially proclaim as my bit of space on this planet divine; was what I truly and unconquerably defined as my share of happiness in the chapters of ever-pervading life; not a penny more than that; not a penny less than that; O! Omnipotent Almighty Lord.


  Not even the most panoramically exuberant of waterfalls; which perennially culminated into the most invincible heavens of triumphant freshness,

  Not even the most spell bindingly pristine of meadows; which miraculously ameliorated even the most deliriously thwarted of senses; with their inimitably

  unparalleled festoon of golden dewdrops,

  Not even the most vivaciously undulating of seas; which interminably evolved into an infinite entrenchments of virgin white froth; unabashedly kissing the shores every now and again like an unabashedly glorious seductress,

  Not even the most inscrutably enthralling of forests; which timelessly enamored even the most lugubriously morose elements of the atmosphere; with the spirit

  of everlastingly reviving nature,

  Not even the most tantalizingly nubile vixens; who inevitably perpetuated even the most obsolete cranny of the impoverished flesh; to tower till the highest territories of fathomless sky,

  Not even the most uninhibitedly enchanting globules of rain; which instantaneously metamorphosed every trace of forlornly wanton exhaustion; into a cloudburst of

  magnificently untamed exultation,

  Not even the most boundless treasuries of glittering wealth; which virtually possessed the power to buy every ounce of unassailable luxury; on this effulgently

  ecstatic planet,

  Not even the most victoriously flaming rays of the undefeated Sun; which unstoppably transformed every bit of inexplicably cadaverous depression; into an unshakably kingly rainbow of eternal smiles,

  Not even the most fearlessly unflinching roar of the lion; which was the absolute epitome of priceless supremacy; in the ravishingly unfettered outgrowths of iridescently soul searching wilderness,

  Not even the most magically mellifluous granaries of unconquerable nectar; which limitlessly bonded organisms of every caste; creed; color and kind; into the religion of unbreakably humanitarian sweetness,

  Not even the most peerlessly virile lap of the blessedly indomitable soil; which perpetually fructified into the fruits of naturally robust goodness; and ensured that the mantra of effervescent life forever palpitated,

  Not even the most innocuously milky beams of the moon; which redefined even the most haplessly devastating and vindictive blackness; as the profoundly bewitching

  moonlight midnight,

  Not even the most vividly ebullient of rainbows; which tirelessly spawned into an undaunted new civilization of gaiety and charm every unfurling instant; far and a

  fathomless kilometers away from the prejudices of vituperatively criminal mankind,

  Not even the most poignantly intrepid of winds; which forever ensured that there never ever could exist even the most evanescent speck of monotony; which forever

  made you feel that you were just freshly born,

  Not even the most Omniscient mother’s milk; which granted every penurious bone of yours; the insurmountable tenacity to victoriously stand up to the most hideously plundering devils,

  Not even the most candidly transparent of mirrors; which unhesitatingly revealed the most innermost quarter of your pugnaciously parched soul; gorgeously mitigating you of every trace of your cursed misery,

  Not even the most unlimitedly ubiquitous of compassion; which befriended you so majestically in your times of pernicious distress; that you felt yourself as the most blessed organism alive,

  Not even the most fierily unadulterated puff of breath; which so regally reinvigorated even the most invisibly deteriorating of your senses; to holistically perceive beyond

  an infinite more lifetimes,

  For if there’s anything at all that can forever and ever and ever liberate a true man; then it is none else than his beautifully unbridled and passionately burgeoning ocean of; inimitably infallible fantasy.


  Tell me. Does the Omnipotent Sun in anyways; blaze through her impoverished dwelling an iota less; than it unrelentingly streams in through the bricks of your

  sanctimoniously incarcerated castle?

  Tell me. Do the poignantly royal roses in anyways; waft their mesmerizing redolence through her dingy dwelling an iota less; than they unremittingly enlighten every conceivable morbid space in your chauvinistically victimizing castle?

  Tell me.  Does the iridescently milky moonlight in anyways; majestically enamor her shattered dwelling an iota less; than it celestially sweeps across the ostentatiously emotionless chimneys of your sonorously prejudiced castle?

  Tell me. Do the nightingales in anyways; ecstatically sing the songs of victory around her inconspicuous dwelling an iota less; than they perennially murmur the hymns of mellifluous freedom in the brutally ensnared gardens of your fetidly dictatorial castle?

  Tell me. Do the untamed forests in anyways; cast their spells of unconquerable mysticism on her match-boxed dwelling an iota less; than they timelessly and

  inscrutably whisper upon the caged boundaries of your atrociously sadistic castle?

  Tell me. Do the boundless oceans in anyways; perpetuate their rhapsodic tanginess upon her dingy dwelling an iota less; than they uninhibitedly grant new definitions of unbridled liberation to your sacrilegiously damned castle?

  Tell me. Does the victoriously unabashed breeze in anyways; magnificently cool her truncated dwelling an iota less; than it undauntedly soothes every despairingly frazzled nerve within the realms of your acrimoniously perverted castle?

  Tell me. Does the euphorically torrential rain in anyways; timelessly fertilize her penurious dwelling an iota less; than it thunderously sweeps every ounce of cadaverous fretfulness from each adulterated whisker of your demonically

  chained castle?

  Tell me. Do the first beams of optimistically unfettered dawn in anyways; ebulliently caress her measly dwelling an iota less; than they bestow fresh rays of priceless hope to every callously blackened cranny of your heartlessly wanton castle?

  Tell me. Do the limitlessly fantasizing clouds of heaven in anyways; voluptuously enshroud her restricted dwelling an iota less; than they transcend over every bit of tyrannically diabolical monotony in your ominously worthless castle?

  Tell me. Do the seeds of a blissfully futuristic tomorrow in anyways; compassionately blossom infront of her mercurial dwelling an iota less; than they brilliantly transform every ounce of impotence into invincible fertility; in your uncouthly

  monotonous castle?

  Tell me. Do the iridescent stars in anyways; triumphantly twinkle upon her miserly dwelling an iota less; than they brilliantly illuminate every torturously slandering night in your cold-bloodedly devilish castle?

  Tell me. Does the sky of impregnably truth in anyways; unassailably bestow its essence of mellifluous sweetness upon her evanescent dwelling an iota less;

  than it perennially metamorphoses every whisker of debauchery in your raunchy castle; into an undefeated paradise of righteousness?

  Tell me. Does the chapter of eternally blessing procreation in anyways; insuperably enters her stingy dwelling an iota less; than it unceasingly abounds and sacredly inhabits every single living being in your fecklessly cavalier castle?

  Tell me. Does the lap of divinely mother nature in anyways; tirelessly shower its spectacularly robust fruits upon her naked dwelling an iota less; than it royally replenishes even the tiniest desire of all those residing; in your ornately

  subjugated castle?

  Tell me. Do the steps of the Omnipresent Temple in anyways; perpetually shower their philanthropically unbiased blessings upon her bourgeoisie dwelling an

  iota less; than they forever remain potently present in your claustrophobically

  robotic castle?

  Tell me. Does the Universe of unendingly titillating life in anyways; handsomely proliferate in her side-lined dwelling an iota less; than it inevitably replaces every element of deadened injustice; in your lifelessly bigoted castle?

  Tell  me. Does the heartbeat of immortal love in anyways; perennially fructify in her ethereal dwelling an iota less; than it indefatigably celebrates the true fervor of inimitably unparalleled existence; in your despicably anarchist castle? 

  So if God and his Omnipresent Nature didn’t differentiate the slightest; then tell me you inconsiderately venomous man; who hell were you to consider the sensuously nubile prosti
tute; a horridly sinful untouchable; who the hell were you to consider

  the tirelessly bewitching prostitute a deplorably live carrier of disease; devastation; unpardonable betrayal; devilish licentiousness and hopelessly silencing death,

  Amazingly and specially even after you surreptitiously fathered countless more of your own kind; via that same unshakably ravishing prostitute form; finding the

  most gloriously victorious of heavens right here on planet earth and in the tantalizing recesses of her bosom divine.