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Hide and Seek - part 7 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems Page 7

unmatched – alongside the most modern of contraptions ; on the writing desk ,

  Please welcome this uncelebrated hero of our age – the chalk stick .


  A delightfully rounded ball of wondrous green exterior ; that rolled with unparalleled fervor upon any frictionless surface ; with the tiniest of thrust ,

  A shell so spectacularly enamoring and impeccable ; that it left even the most charmed of maidens to envy with its smooth periphery and robustly exuberant texture ,  

  Fecund brown seeds adorning it unabashedly in the inside ; disseminating fresh hope for existence if they were planted in unassailably bountiful earth ,

  Royally salubrious aroma drifting from its succulent demeanor ; mesmerizing people of all religions, caste, creed and color with the profound charm of a fulfilled existence - which thrilled in myriad proportions ,

  Sporadically , a rejuvenating substitute for a nonchalantly mundane pillow ; as you cuddled it up close to your ears ; wrapping it with jagged pieces of cloth asymmetrically strewn around ; as if for transient support ,

  A beautifully convivial ball of smoothness ; magnificently illustrated as kids kissed it and nudged it with their chin - then ran around with a squeal of bewilderment as it reached the other corner of the house ; rollicking on the floor within lightening seconds of time ,

  A marvelously tantalizing delicacy served to befit a crowned prince - mollifying you with motley fantasies of good grace as you snuggled in the royal armchair without the tiniest of apprehension on the glorious roof top terrace ,

  Profoundly ecstatic sponge of majestic red embodied within ; incredibly enthralling and bringing about a cheer to the wisps of lackadaisical disenchantment , in the impoverished existence of a human being ,

  A fantabulously satisfying meal at occasions for the penniless pocket ; in the absence of that quintessential platter blended with myriad spices and some of the most charismatic delicacies of the seasonal celebration ,

  A fabulously intriguing topic of intelligent discussion - as elders of the family expounded upon its plethora of amazing health benefits - for the younger generation to assimilate and incorporate at various stages of their life ,

  Resembled a big zero ; but harmoniously providing the fabric of humanity a wondrous opportunity to relish one of the most sumptuously delicious and gorgeously sweet ; fruit on this earth ,

  The most perfectly robust fruit on mortal earth to be squelched into liquid form ; thereby rendering the opulently carved glass with the finesse of ebulliently scarlet juice ,

  One of the heaviest things to exasperatingly carry under the dynamically triumphant afternoon Sun - but an adorable darling to the taste - as a person absolved even the tiniest trace of his apprehension after consuming its natural richness ,

  An earnest favorite in the appetizingly varied menu list of the most stellar restaurants and found scribbled with bohemian chalk on the wall of the neighborhood highway cafeteria - with individuals cutting across barriers of caste and color ; whilst savoring its ravishingly enchanting flavor ,

  A proud inhabitant found with predominant contingency in the deeper recesses of the refrigerator ; peacefully nestled amongst an array of other vegetable ; salad ; cream ; sauce ; pizza and chocolate - but enjoying its its own inimitably imposing presence and preference as the hands affably reached out for it first ; after the successful completion of a meal ,

  Written about with aplomb ; in poetry and prose by bestseller authors and those in their nascent stages of penning something substantial ; praising its astoundingly simpleton demeanor ; which empowers the living race towards unbiased friendship ,

  A privilege for talented artists to incorporate within their paintings of the unfettered forest , depicting the trajectory of the earth on barren canvas - in its multitudes of hues and color ; with one of the largest of princely fruits occupying heroic center stage ,

  One of the most adulated fruits at the vendor's imperiously embellished establishment ,

  Was the relished watermelon .  


  Amidst the freezing chill that descended impromptu upon the planet ; as human being stacked himself with woolens of myriad shapes and proportions and yet groaned in indecipherable disdain ,

  amidst the pathetically abysmal solitariness of the night ; where unabashed wolves majestically philandered and danced ; before vindictively hunting for the meat of their nocturnal prowl ,

  amidst the cacophonic sound of motorized traffic which was interspersed with pugnacious smoke ; meaningless horn ; impetuous youngsters hurling abuse as they overtook innocuous pedestrians - lambasting the spirit of their freshly acquired adulthood ,

  amidst the unruly heaps of garbage piled rampantly on the streets ; carried intermittently by the storm to a multitude of corners of the society ; culminating into obnoxiously rotten frigidity ,

  amidst the savagely acrimonious and commercial establishment of offices - where plethora of cash transactions were executed ; without due respect to the integrity of an earnest human and his ideals of  philanthropic goodness ,

  amidst the ruthlessly indiscriminate felling of enamoring trees - which builders undertook surreptitiously after dusk had fallen ; to articulately evade public fury and yet construct their fancifully towering edifices - of nonchalantly dead mortar and concrete ,

  amidst the scuffles and squabbles that sporadically plagued living beings - as they deliberately found fault with each other ; even as marvelous romance could easily have been the flavor to uninhibitedly cherish and relish ,

  amidst the abominably hostile firing of missiles and declaration of terrorizing war - which nations on different sides of the border indulged into - in a worthless display of feckless might and power - instead of rejoicing in the religion of humanity ,

  amidst the treacherously salacious rat race to achieve unchallengeable success - trespassing and massacring the closest of blood relations including parents - incase their set of benevolent ideals impeded the path even an insouciant trifle,

  amidst deplorably parasitic political practices ; where it didn't matter the slightest as to which party came to power - since none of them responded to the voice of the impoverished citizen - the same common man who'd triumphantly elected them ,

  amidst the dreadfully hideous paucity of quintessential amenities like food grain and fruit ; which had ridiculously manifested due to inflation and dastardly corruption - even as the soil yielded its absolute best ,

  amidst the lugubriously stretched spurious parties that flowed with venomous cigarette smoke and sinful liquor - with the corporate pedigree of the society flaunting the most expensive showrooms of different designer revelry - whilst the orphan , maimed , wounded and famished slavered without a roof on their scalp ,

  amidst the today's teacher who unnecessarily loaded the talented child with ominously large assignments - in frivolous attempt to improve the reputation of the best academically oriented school in town ,

  amidst the fiercely savage growl of the panther which had escaped the forest since that had more human  than animals - in its quest for finding a new symbiotic habitat ; gloriously unfettered ,

  amidst the preposterously fetid gutter that had developed cracks in the trajectory of its pipe - from which crawled out ants and worms of every conceivable and incongruous shape ; to irascibly creep into the beautiful serenity of the magnificently embellished dwelling ,

  amidst the ludicrously artificial formality that members of different households followed at occasions - sonorously holding hands like the most cultured entities of this planet seated beside each other - but actually wanting to slap in their envious animosity ; soon after ,

  amidst the tempestuously scorching lava that rolled down at lightening speeds from the volcanic mountain - having the tenacious potential of charring near and surrounding vicinity to sheer and dismal nothingness ,

  amidst the parched land of the wholesomely evaporated lake that had become so ; as officials had extricat
ed it completely to erect the most spectacularly royal complex ; fostering all fraternities of contemporary sport ,