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Life = Death - volume 7 - Poems on Life , Death Page 7

  It gave the tongue a versatile opportunity to use itself; in the most dexterous way possible and to the fullest,

  It proved as an excellent alternative for a person who didn’t remember even a single line of the song; and yet had all the desire in the world to loudly sing it,

  It had the velvety grace of a shadow; as well as the hostility of a valiant scream well blended together,

  It lit an ethereal ray of hope in the eyes of the man dying; as he felt it poignantly infiltrate into his ears,

  It reinstated loads of rejuvenation and confidence in a person just about to appear for an interview; as he executed it audaciously before entering the boss's cabin,

  It broke all the awkwardness and formality between two politicians; once they did it before sitting to settle their country's difference,

  It was infact the best and most consummate way; in which a dumb man could communicate for long distances; after using just a trifle of his wind,

  And the best thing about it was; that it was the surest and sweetest signal to entice a girl's heart; when several others of its kind had miserably failed,

  Now could you have ever envisaged in the most wildest of your dreams; that a thing as inconspicuous as a tiny whistle; was able to achieve what the most stupendous of remedies couldn’t? Infact just an infinitesimal bellow of limp breath could have produced such a drastic effect on all mankind.



  It suddenly told me to lick the road with my tongue; when I was blissfully driving enchanted by the melody in the air and the surroundings,

  It ordered me to eat a blanket of thorns without flinching the slightest; as I was wholesomely lost in my dreams under the enigmatic tree shade,

  It told me to soak my head into fetid pools of gutter water; when I was busy sipping voluptuous pints of sugarcane rum in the corridors of the rustic country bar,

  It told me to poke my neighbors with sizzling rods of iron; enjoy the agonizing scene that unfurled; as I placidly playing cards with my wife at midnight,

  It told me to jump from the aircraft without strapping a parachute on my body; as I lost in due admiration of the cotton cocoon of blue clouds dazzling voluptuously

  in the morning light,

  It told me to chew balls of steel with stupendous relish; when I was toiling in the fields; waiting anxiously for my crops to reap,

  It told me to cut my finger with the gleaming knife; when I was writing a letter to my impeccable beloved,

  It told me to cross the street when the lights were still red; brandishing my body against scores of whirlwind vehicles; as I was milking the cow for my morning breakfast,

  It told me to hurl out a volley of abashing abuse to the President; when I was infact munching popcorn and watching television,

  It told me to bathe in steaming acid use vicious scorpion instead of soap; as I engrossed in bulky files and heaps of paper at office,

  It told me to play hide and seek with the diabolical shark; as I blew the ensemble of candles on my birthday cake,

  It told me to bash my head umpteenth times against the wall; as I was traversing merrily through the hills; with the girl of my dreams sitting on my shoulder,

  It told me to leap up to the sky and steal all the stars; as I addressing the entire planet on the National network,

  It told me to swallow the venomous lizard wandering through the thick jungles; as I was sitting in rapt attention; with my eyes focussed towards the deity I profoundly worshipped,

  It told me to gallivant stark naked through the town; as I was assiduously involved in decoding peaceful solutions to war,

  It told me to count to the number of words I spoke in the day; as I combing my hair blending it with lots of perfumed coconut oil,

  It told me to put my hands in the lions mouth; as I was playing with small children; hugging them close to my chest,

  It told me to sleep on a bed of smoldering embers; as I was dancing jubilantly after tasting the first success of my life,

  It told me to put a battalion of stinging ants in my clothes; as I was shaking hands compassionately with the Magician outside the train,

  It told me to walk backwards till I reached the other side of the globe; as I gauge the unsurpassable depth of the valley,

  It was a nefarious monster ordering me to execute at times the weirdest of things existing in this world; when infact there was not the slightest of necessity; nor the slightest of compulsion by Almighty Lord to do so,

  And that's when I made one solemn resolve of never being a slave of my mind; never yielding to its irascible desires no matter how strongly it dictated me to do so; as I had from now decided to always listen to the tunes of my heart. 


  Those who consider themselves to be highly creative; basking in the glory of their ingenious ideas; are infact never creative at all,

  Those who consider themselves extremely intelligent; claiming to remember every thing ever embossed in the history books; are infact never intelligent at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be valiantly brave; proclaiming to conquer every power on this earth; are infact never brave at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be beautiful; the only angels traversing on this planet; are infact never beautiful at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be tall; the most gigantic amongst any entity ever created; are infact never tall at all,

  Those who consider themselves as shrewd and overwhelmingly tactful; are infact never tactful at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be the most versatile musicians in this world; are infact never singers at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be the best swimmers; bombastically announcing that they could trespass across the colossal belt of the ocean even in the most

  tumultuous of storm; are infact never swimmers at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be the most mesmerizing artists; able to sketch any form or shape better than God; are infact never artists at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be great dancers; adept at performing every definable step under the Sun with stupendous mysticism and charm; are infact

  never dancers at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be unprecedentedly skilled surgeons; curing every wound visible by the mere caress of their palms; are infact never surgeons at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be dynamic managers; adroitly maneuvering all the workforce with the inherent appeal and cadence in their voice; are infact

  never managers at all,

  Those who consider themselves to the most flawless of priests; sanctimoniously conveying to the globe about their prowess to communicate with God; are infact

  never priests at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be the most ferocious of hunters; able to capsize any animal into their custody by simply grabbing it at its throat; are infact never hunters at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be great politicians; claiming to know every intricate nuance in the textbooks; harnessing the optimum benefits for their country; are infact never politicians at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be the benign philanthropists of this society; advertising in every paper and street of how much they have helped mankind; are infact never philanthropists at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be Oligarchic kings; royally seated on the throne and dispassionately ruling their nation; are infact never kings at all,

  Those who consider themselves as magicians of the highest degree; able to metamorphose every thing they touched into shimmering oysters and pearls; are infact never magicians at all,

  Those who consider themselves to be super humans; having the ability to prognosticate what was going to happen at nightfall right at the commencement of the brilliant day; are infact never humans at all,

  For who were you to consider yourself as anything; when infact; he being the C
reator didn’t think of himself at all,

  And if you still really perceive that you are something; then don’t just say it or keep considering; go out there and prove it; and then and only then give yourself a chance to reclaim the glory of your pretentiously spoken words.


  My Boss wanted me to browse scrupulously through each alphabet of the "Economic Times"; digest the numerical figures prevailing in the market; better than I digested my whole days food,

  While infact I wanted to read the enchantment in her voluptuous eyes; drown in the silken cascade of her mesmerizing hair.

  My Boss wanted me to dance to his tunes all day; sway instantaneously to the most minuscule of his commands and instructions,

  While infact I wanted to dance with her in the aisles of passionate desire; blend my senses wholesomely with the wonderful scent that emanated from her persona.

  My Boss wanted me to sleep on a bed of bulky checkbooks and disdainful office files; dreaming about the company's profit and loss accounts even during my deep slumber,

  While infact I wanted to lie down with her on the marshy slopes; profoundly feeling the gentle waters of the river nimbly caress my toes.

  My Boss wanted me to incessantly fantasize about his corporate adversaries; trying to perceive all round the clock a flurry of ingenious ways to cunningly defeat them,

  While infact I wanted to solely fantasize about her; dream about living with her on cloud nine; every unveiling second of the day.

  My Boss wanted me to speak in bombastic slang and smile as soon as I encountered any of his revered customers; putting up an overwhelmingly spurious pretence under my meticulously ironed shirt,

  While infact I wanted to whisper in her ears only the unending tales of my desire; embrace her for immortal moments in the formidable grip of my romance.

  My Boss wanted me to sip colorless tea sitting in the matchbox shaped conference room; taking down notes as the minister spoke,

  While infact I wanted to drink all the sweetness from her lips; probing my tongue wildly across every corner of her skin.

  My Boss wanted me to paint every barren space I saw; with slogans haughtily advertising about his company,

  While infact I wanted to paint her entire body with the color of my love; emboss on every part of her flesh the tenacity of my intricate feelings.

  My Boss wanted me to count daily the balance lurking in the reserve lockers; shrewdly negotiate every iota ; seeing to it that nobody got even a penny more than

  what they deserved,

  While infact I wanted to count all the hair trapped within her eyelashes; sight my reflection in her palms sparkling with robust health.

  My Boss wanted me to boast pretentiously about his greatness in front of his wife; admire his obnoxiously filthy demeanor in front of every girl that trespassed

  across his shadow,

  While infact I wanted to boast only about her; write volumes and volumes of literature describing each of her spell binding parts.

  And my Boss wanted me to eat, breathe, and sleep Business; refraining me to wander or even think beyond monotonous realms of his pathetic office,

  While infact I wanted to eat, breathe, sleep only her name; keep her imprisoned in my heart; not only for this birth; but for infinite more births to come.



  The hardest thing for a mother to bear; was the sudden death of her new born and sweet infant,

  The hardest thing for a Businessman to bear; was the abrupt closure of his Business; his goods being auctioned in the market at a price lesser than stones,

  The hardest thing for a bird to bear; was that her eggs got stolen by the vicious snake right in front of her eyes,

  The hardest thing for a desert to bear; was its barren and magnificently shimmering sands; being extravagantly flooded with water,

  The hardest thing for a boxer to bear; was opprobrious defeat; being decimated to the floor by his timid adversary,

  The hardest thing for an automobile to bear; was the dismal snapping of its brakes; as it was just seconds away from reaching the summit of the mountain,

  The hardest thing for the eye to bear; was its inability to recognize its most revered and beloved; even as she passed at whisker lengths from its body,

  The hardest thing for a eunuch to bear; was the volley of insults and ignominious rebukes it received; the hilarious laughter which it was subjected to; for noabsolutely no fault of its at all,

  The hardest thing for the shoe to bear; was exploding into infinite fragments; the moment it tread nimbly on the soil,

  The hardest thing for the consortium of diabolical black clouds to bear; was not being able to incessantly rain; even after floating rampantly for hours in the sky,

  The hardest thing for a robust swimmer to bear; was lying like a frigid mute leaf in the pool; when the race to the trophy was just about to commence,

  The hardest thing for the lips to bear; was the acrimonious society coming in between then and their enchanting lover,

  The hardest thing for the wealthiest man on this earth to bear; was the girl of his dreams kicking all his opulence; eloping with that beggar instead; whom she

  had ardently given her heart,

  The hardest thing for the impeccable and sparkling shirt to bear; was being ripped apart to uncouth strands; as it confronted head on with the worst of cyclonic storm,

  The hardest thing for the conscience to bear; was overwhelming guilt pounding on it like a volcano from all sides; as it agonizingly conceived its tale of blatant lies,

  The hardest thing for the spring waters to bear; was getting adulterated by infinitesimal specks of dirt; as they gushed past contaminated slopes of lecherous


  The hardest thing for the lion to bear; was being ingeniously outwitted by the hunter; despite being crowned the irrefutable king of the jungle,

  The hardest thing for the hands to bear; was their inefficiency to save several lives in vicinity as they were incarcerated in chains; although they knew the Herculean strength circulating in their bones,

  The hardest thing for God to bear; was infinite numbers of his molecules fighting with each other on this earth; the very planet which he had created as paradise; now metamorphosing into a river of hostile death,

  And the hardest thing for a writer to bear; when despite dedicating all his mind, body and soul to his profession; chiseling every alphabet he perceived with his very own blood; his work didn’t sell.



  For him I wasn't a passionate poet penning down thousands of lines of mystical poetry,

  What he considered me was just an employee; relentlessly running in and out; through the doors of his bombastic office.

  For him I wasn't the innocuous child wandering at will through the jungles,

  What he considered me was just an embellished servant; attending to each of his clients with a big and ostentatiously false smile.

  For him I wasn’t the angel sipping milk delectably from mother cow,

  What he considered me was just a hi-tech attendant; scrupulously sorting and arranging his plethora of computer files.

  For him I wasn’t the fantasy eye casting my shadow on every pretty damsel that I encountered on the streets,

  What he considered me was a financial institution who could extract money from the uncouth world; dispense it judiciously to pacify even the tiniest of his demands.

  For him I wasn’t the angel who slept cozily for indefatigable number of hours on the silken couch,

  What he considered me was just an electric paced machine barging through the door of his office at the crack of dawn; and before anyone else entered his empire.

  For him I wasn’t the philanderer gallivanting with brazen relish through the

  winding hills,

  What he considered me was just a physically fit and robust individual who could clambe
r and descend the stairs leading to his cabin umpteenth number of times.