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  • The Womb - Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood - volume 2 Page 7

The Womb - Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood - volume 2 Read online

Page 7

  Never snatch eloquently magnetic voice; from the spell bindingly ravishing and sweet nightingale,

  Never snatch irrefutably unconquerable pride; from the soul of the immortally departed and valiant martyr,

  Never snatch poignantly glistening sands; from the panoramically sweltering landscape of the blisteringly golden desert,

  Never snatch naturally proliferating virility; from a harmoniously blending and symbiotically breathing organism,

  Never snatch the rustically embellished roots; from the colossally sprawling and aristocratically tree,

  Never snatch the wave of sensuously titillating embarrassment; from the freshly adorned and nimbly trembling bride,

  Never snatch indispensably Omniscient breath; from a man who altruistically devoted every instant of his life to the service of humanity; tirelessly endeavoring to unite the entire planet in threads of eternal mankind; perpetually alike,

  Never snatch immortally unassailable love; from two hearts perennially bonded in chords of symbiotically priceless compassion,

  And it is my humble plea to you O! Omnipotently Almighty Lord that no power on this Universe ever succeeds in accomplishing the above; more importantly; no power on this Universe ever succeeds in snatching a Divinely sacred mother; from her newly born and immaculate child.


  A million kisses on her mischievously magical palms; as she intriguingly darted to explore every bit of the ecstatically astounding atmosphere,

  A million kisses on her flirtatiously dancing lids; as she inadvertently fluttered those diminutively silken folds; at the slightest insinuation of vibrant light,

  A million kisses on her immaculately divine lips; as she Omnisciently unveiled into a festoon of enchanting smiles; after every feed of her Mother’s milk,

  A million kisses on her innocuously flapping ears; as she poignantly bounced to even the most inconspicuous sounds; euphorically feasting on the first rays of the Sun; like no other entity on planet alive,

  And my lips still unrelentingly craved for more; such was the timeless incantation of her newly born spirit; such was the luminescence of her impeccable soul; such was the charisma of her tiny; but immortal heart.


  A million kisses on her sacredly minuscule forehead; as she regally stared at my alien face in innocent bewilderment,

  A million kisses on her jubilantly tinkling feet; as she naughtily thrust at all that she encountered in vicinity; with her unfathomably burgeoning euphoria,

  A million kisses on her royally mesmerizing neck; as she immaculately maneuvered it umpteenth number of times in a single minute; passionately searching for her mother’s breast,

  A million kisses on her eternally bountiful eyelashes; as she winked every now and again; demanding to be celestially hoisted towards the fathomless sky; by virtually all her by her tiny side,

  And my lips still intransigently wandered for more; such was the miraculous impression of her Omnipresent soul; such was the unsurpassably resplendent radiance of her every new born footstep; such was the charisma of her tiny; but immortal heart.


  A million kisses on her profusely baby powder coated armpits; as she unleashed into a fountain of wonderful laughter; gleefully poking me in my ribs,

  A millions kisses on her Omnipotently golden belly; as she perennially snuggled closer and closer to my chest; with the onset of the remorsefully fearful and

  sordid night,

  A million kisses on her marvelously embellished shadow; as she enchantingly crawled towards an entrenchment of endowing goodness; every unfurling minute of

  the brilliantly sparkling day,

  A million kisses on her microscopic yet philanthropic shoulders; as she harbored nothing but unassailable love for all mankind; bonding every element of her countenance with the religion of humanity,

  And my lips still ardently prayed for more; such was the glorious essence of her perpetually amiable sharing; such was the unblemished spirit that encapsulated her newly born demeanor; such was the charisma of her tiny; but immortal heart.


  A million kisses on her magnificently curly hair; as she fervently suckled her big thumb to divinely appease every ingredient of her; invincibly scarlet blood,

  A million kisses on her robustly ebullient tongue; as she rejuvenated life in even the most lugubriously dead; with her inarticulately affable sky of natural cries,

  A million kisses on her profoundly rubicund palms; as she frolicked in the aisles of beautifully captivating childhood; entirely oblivious to the rigors of tyrannical destiny and this satanically savage planet,

  A million kisses on her freshly spawning fingernails; as she unveiled into a palace of everlasting newness; heavenly bouncing in the lap of her Godly mother,

  And my lips still indefatigably sought for more; such was the benign power of her newly born soul; such was the inimitable propensity in her effusively spell binding cries; such was the charisma of her tiny; but immortal heart.



  Just spawning an offspring out of your wife’s body; doesn’t make you a father,

  Fatherhood is all about the poignant empathy lingering in your eyes; the astronomical pride deep in your chest; for your child.

  Just conquering all the wealth in the world; incessantly chasing your aspirations beyond the realms of prudent control; doesn’t make you a father,

  Fatherhood is all about walking shoulder to shoulder with your child; enlightening him about the unfathomable intricacies in the chapter called life.

  Just embedding bombastic designation tags on your blazer; scurrying with untamed passion in your eyes towards the corridors of monotonous office; doesn’t make you a father,

  Fatherhood is all about uninhibited sharing; understanding and profusely blending with the agony in your child’s heart; to the most ultimate of your capacity.

  Just greeting your progeny with a spuriously mechanical smile on your face; at the crack of dawn and every once in a while past the descending of midnight; doesn’t make you a father,

  Fatherhood is all about supreme informality; bouncing and rampantly frolicking with your child; continuously inculcating in him the ingredients of a blissful existence.

  Just dancing in meticulous precision with your unsurpassable armory of manipulative guests; guzzling opulent wine with a somberity befitting the kings; doesn’t make you a father,

  Fatherhood is all about possessing the tenacity to shun the entire Universe for your child; cherishing all your wealth; ambition and desires; in the whites of his impeccable eyes.

  Just discussing issues with your son with a pompous air in your voice; a colossal conference table dividing you ostentatiously in a single room; doesn’t make you a father,

  Fatherhood is all about standing abreast your child in good times and bad; discovering his unfathomable myriad of hidden energies; to make him an

  invincible winner in life.

  Just putting a miserly advertisement in the newspaper seeking your sons spouse; targeting your bondage with families of status; blowing their wealth like baseless

  cigar smoke; doesn’t make you a father,

  Fatherhood is all about sacrificing a lifetime for your child’s happiness; exploring that immortal love that needed to encapsulate his mind; body and soul.

  Just signing an incomprehensible number of checks in a single day; browsing through the most contemporarily corporatish of business magazines; doesn’t make you a


  Fatherhood is all about evacuating each droplet of blood that circulated through the conglomerate of your robust veins; to help your child manifest his every dream into a perpetual reality.

  Just hardselling your cloudburst of ingenious concepts; astutely maneuvering through each hurdle of life to catapult to the summit of overwhelming fame and popularity; doesn’t make you a father,

  Fatherhood is all about philandering with your child th
rough the aisles of uncurbed freedom; reliving till times beyond eternity; those instants when you were an innocent infant.

  And just addressing your son as son umpteenth number of times in the sweltering day; doesn’t make you a father,

  Fatherhood is all about living life higher than the clouds; making your child constantly feel as if in a land of enchanting paradise; ensuring that his spirits

  soared more exuberantly than the angels; even after you had died




  Tangily mischievous; yet supremely compatible whenever I needed her the most,

  Boisterously bouncing; yet profoundly empathizing with the myriad of difficulties that encountered me in my way,

  Incessantly chattering; yet metamorphosing to more silent than a leaf; when I needed to be in perpetual solitude,

  Overwhelmingly pampered; yet ready to relinquish the last iota of her riches for saving my life,

  Nostalgically childish; yet comprehending all my agonies more sagaciously than the greatest of saints; putting me off to blissful sleep,

  Profusely dreaming; yet stirring me completely out of my weird reveries; tumultuously pepping me all the time to march ahead in life,

  Crankily agitated; yet triggering me off into an unrelenting festoon of smiles; as I sat devastated in the corridors of gloom,

  Insatiably ambitious; yet surrendering herself to incoherent bouts of frolic; to keep my spirits indefatigably soaring higher than the clouds,

  Enigmatically nervous; yet standing like an invincible fortress when I came to defending my wave of stupendous integrity,

  Inexorably chirpy; yet sitting by my side for hours immemorial as I fervently awaited my examination results to come,

  Irrevocably stubborn; yet commiserating and earnestly blending with all what I remarked,

  Cheekily extravagant; yet harboring me in realms of secure introversion; when my wounds slit apart with manipulative malice of the extraneous world,

  A cyclonic whirlwind; yet waiting with insurmountable patience for me to grace every occasion of her life,

  Prudently mature; yet shunning the entire Universe; endeavoring her best to uplift me from my cloistered shell of eccentric recluse,

  Nimble statured; yet swirling higher than the most fulminating of volcano's at every heinous finger that dared to stretch even a trifle towards my countenance,

  Euphorically artistic; yet confronting an unfathomable battalion of monotonous vagaries in life; so that I remained enchantingly engrossed in the ocean of poetry

  for centuries unprecedented,

  Magnetically glamorous; yet melanging perfectly with the most aboriginally rustic lifestyles; while trespassing with me on a holiday,

  Candid tongued; yet pacifying the belligerent agony torrentially exploding in my heart; with her mesmerizing tunes of immortal love, 

  Are just frugal words; for even if I assimilated all the philanthropic goodness lingering on this planet; it would be still prove a fraction too less; to describe my

  sacrosanct and adorable sister


  I will never kiss lips other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; incorrigibly refraining from indulging in the web of licentious desire,

  And if ever I did; it would only be your voluptuous armory of seductive smiles; freshly born once again.

  I will never stare into eyes other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; abhorring the most gorgeous of alien eyeballs like infinitesimal strands of worthless broomstick,

  And if ever I did; it will only be your island of tantalizing eyelashes; freshly born once again.

  I will never caress skin other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; disdainfully shrugging the very prospect of ravishing complexion under my

  nonchalant frowns,

  And if ever I did; it will only be your river of mesmerizing perspiration; freshly born once again.

  I will never fondle hair other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; disregarding the most titillating conglomerate of silk; like infinite mosquitoes descending from the sky,

  And if ever I did; it will only be your blanket of stupendously enchanting eyebrows; freshly born once again.

  I will never drown in any voice other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; massacring even the most exotic trace of sound hovering in untamed


  And if ever I did; it will only be your melodious ocean of poignant tunes; freshly born once again.

  I will never frolic with a persona other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; sequestering myself in wholesome oblivion amidst the juggernaut of boisterous activity in this chaotic world,

  And if ever I did; it will only be your innocuously divine progeny; freshly born

  once again.

  I will never worship footsteps other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; perennially closing my ears to the most ravenously rhapsodic maidens in this boundless Universe,

  And if ever I did; it will only be your incredulously royal shadow; freshly born

  once again.

  I will never blend with palms other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; blowing all magnetic touch lingering in the atmosphere; under the languid yawns which entrenched my mouth,

  And if ever I did; it will only be your cavalcade of profusely impeccable destiny lines; freshly born once again.

  I will never mingle with breath other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; remaining as stoical as white ice; even as the most fabulous of seductresses overwhelmed me with their charismatic fragrance,

  And if ever I did; it will only be your flurry of insurmountably passionate gasps; freshly born once again.

  I will never love any heart other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; standing like an invincible fortress against the most inevitable of alluring assaults,

  And if ever I did; then it will only be your everlasting paradise of pulsating beats; freshly born once again.


  Every divinely smile of his; made me blossom into an unsurpassable paradise of astounding newness; as I ebulliently surged forward with the untamed fervor of

  vibrant life,

  Every naughty wink of his; made me timelessly flirt behind the sun soaked hills; as I  perennially felt like a immaculately new born child; in the sacrosanct lap of

  my mother; once again,

  Every princely footstep of his; made me forever assimilate all benign goodness in the stupendously splendid atmosphere; enshrouding my life with unfathomable righteousness,

  Every innocuous cry of his; made me indefatigably transpire towards transcending beyond the pinnacles of irrefutably glittering philanthropism; amiably bond in

  threads of humanity; with my fellow comrades in inexplicably horrendous distress,

  Every delectable snore of his; made me relentlessly fantasize about the fathomlessly bountiful wonders of this magnanimous planet; trace back my very first rudiments; to the sacred lap of everlasting romance,

  Every heavenly finger of his; made me ecstatically leap in an ocean of enchanting enthrallment; fantastically conceive the most incredulously grandiloquent contours of priceless mankind; for infinite more births yet to unveil,

  Every innocent shadow of his; made me unequivocally feel the most blessed organism on this Universe; as I felt every manipulatively beleaguered cranny of my

  impoverished demeanor; being sparklingly replenished each minute,

  Every celestial blush of his; made me exuberantly wander in lanes of incomprehensibly boundless jubilation; as I felt I had wholesomely vanquished all

  sorrows of mine with the; blissful cradle of scintillating newness,

  Every incoherent word of his; made me rhapsodically stumble upon an expedition of blooming optimism; discovering a profusely magical radiance in every wind of the atmosphere; that I wh
oleheartedly embraced,

  Every melodious whisper of his; made me benevolently float with the angels of royal humanity; attune my disastrously dilapidated existence; in synergy with the

  principles of; benign mankind,

  Every spotlessly untainted yawn of his; made me feel bereft of all my inadvertently committed sins; as I marvelously rejuvenated every iota of my famished existence; with the impregnable fervor of uninhibited togetherness,


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