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Life = Death - volume 5 - Poems on Life Death Page 5
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heroic day,
A source of incessant entertainment; for the painstakingly persevering tortoise; getting a ravishingly splendid reprieve from its tireless spells of boredom and languid despondence,
An ingratiatingly juicy fruit; for the ominously slithering python; greedily viewing the charismatic gait with which it transgressed,
A delectably crunchy shell; for the preposterously gigantic shark; engulfing its brutal jaws; over its composite conglomerate of mesmerizing flesh and bones,
A fountain of spellbindingly fresh blood; for the hideously uncouth bats; who descended like a tumultuously thunderous maelstrom upon its impeccably
shimmering demeanor,
A delightfully prospective client; for the rustic barber; who basked in the realms of stupendous joy while trimming a mountain of hair and bushy beard; from its humble caricature,
An innocent rabbit; for the treacherously murderous criminals; massacring it to infinite bits of minuscule chowder; after ruthlessly evacuating its share of wealth and happiness,
An alluringly voluptuous bone; for the barbaric butcher; stuffing his pockets with astronomical wealth; after trading its indispensable organs of salubrious meat,
A revitalizingly fortified biscuit; for the vociferously growling wolf; pouncing on it devilishly; the instant he even ethereally glimpsed at it,
A magnificently royal feast; for the diabolical vultures flapping around; enveloping it from all ends; horrendously depraving it of the tiniest iota of blood and vital ingredient,
An innocuously compact hill of cheese; for the obnoxiously piquant teethed battalion of mice; relentlessly nibbling on its majestic periphery to reduce it to a corpse; more horrifically distorted than the graves,
A monotonously robotic machine; for the satanically manipulative boss; extricating its potential to the unimaginably unprecedented; before dumping it in the gutter like a piece of orphaned shit,
An infinitesimal molecule; for the Almighty Lord; treating it as he treated every other organism; that he had evolved on the trajectory of this wonderfully fathomless Universe,
But an immortal ocean of love solely for your heart; proliferating into an infinite lives with each of its princely beats; every time it had a chance to be born again; was my impoverished life.
The skies hatch open into bountiful Sunshine; flamboyantly blazing through every morbidly corner of this fathomless Universe,
The waterfalls hatch open into rhapsodically tangy froth; culminating into a whirlpool of tumultuous excitement; after clashing against the royal rocks,
The eggs hatch open into mesmerizing fledglings; deluging the serene atmosphere with their indefatigable flurry of impeccable cries,
The trees hatch open into celestial fruits; the indispensably tantalizing fodder to sustain; every anecdote of mystical life,
The throat hatches open into an unfathomable myriad of sounds; an astounding armory of insinuations; dexterously maneuvering all mankind,
The valley’s hatch open into incomprehensible enigma; instilling new found happiness; in the lives of insanely frustrated souls,
The gutter hatches open into fetidly smelling stench; abominably disrupting the harmony of the divine winds floating around,
The prisons hatch open into abhorrent malice; harboring overwhelming ill will and insidious hatred,
The eyes hatch open into profound streams of intricate empathy; unrelentingly seeking for the compassionate mates of their dreams,
The flesh hatches into a complete organism; incredulously functioning to God’s every marvelously Omnipotent command,
The cow hatches open into sacrosanct pails of milk; tirelessly fortifying exuberant bones to decimate; the tiniest trace of evil from the complexion of this soil,
The scalp hatches open into an unsurpassable conglomerate of ravishing hair; whistling and drifting tantalizingly with the ecstatic wind,
The bees hatch open into a glorious fountain of stupendously sweet honey; pacifying the fires of condemnable crime; for everlasting times,
The pearl hatches open into a paradise of insatiable shine; enriching impoverished entities rotting around; in an entrenchment of beauty and timeless captivation,
The lips hatch open into a philanthropic smile; disseminating the essence of immortal humanity; to those quarters of this globe enveloped with ghastly grime,
The devil hatches open into lecherous devastation; sucking blood from innocuous organisms on this planet; only to be pulverized to raw ash by the Omnisciently divine,
The spider hatches open into a silvery web; transgressing majestically across its silken strands; like thunderbolts of lightening descending from scarlet sky,
The grave hatches open into despondently unfinished desires; dissatisfied souls invidiously trying to get an ominous stranglehold on mankind,
The conscience hatches open into irrefutable righteousness; overruling baseless frigidity with perpetual strokes of unconquerable honesty,
And the heart hatches opens into boundless love; exploring; discovering; embracing; diffusing its infinite forms all across this princely earth; and in the end becoming an immortal slave of its Godly rhyme.
Each star twinkles,
Each rose scents,
Each clock ticks,
Each cloud drifts,
Each arm sweats,
Each lip smiles,
Each skin bleeds,
Each eye winks,
Each wind blows,
Each wave undulates,
Each echo mystifies,
Each seed sprouts,
Each mother bears,
Each pig gobbles,
Each fist curls,
Each ball rolls,
Each icecube melts,
Each bird flies,
Each cloth sequesters,
Each dungeon darkens,
Each soul stupefies,
Each nightingale mesmerizes,
Each tooth chews,
Each mosquito bites,
Each peacock blossoms,
Each lion roars,
Each mind dreams,
Each organism evolves,
Each soldier immortalizes,
Each shape signifies,
Each battle vindicates,
Each nose smells,
Each waterfall diffuses,
Each path leads,
Each summit personifies,
Each ideal enlightens,
Each ray brightens,
Each scorpion stings,
Each gutter stinks,
Each tongue satiates,
Each demeanor shadows,
Each root embeds,
Each cow milks,
Each glue sticks,
Each mirror reflects,
Each trend innovates,
Each beauty enchants,
Each destiny enthralls,
Each embrace intimates,
Each stare captivates,
Each pearl scintillates,
Each muscle fortifies,
Each game rejuvenates,
Each effort achieves,
Each foot tramples,
Each ambition drives,
Each lie decimates,
Each manipulation massacres,
Each passion fulminates,
Each wing flaps,
Each journey explores,
Each arrow wounds,
Each talent blooms,
Each mission idolizes,
Each example symbolizes,
Each joy celebrates,
Each tear commiserates,
Each emulation falsifies,
Each experience realizes,
Each desire erupts,
Each benevolence proliferates,
Each proof validates,
Each violence rebels,
Each sleep replenishes,
Each idea metamorphoses,
Each adjective enhances,
Each antiseptic heals,
Each parasite clings,
Each insult pinches,
Each nail scratches,
Each dog barks,
Each bee hums,
Each duck quacks,
Each squirrel nibbles,
Each feeling bonds,
Each silence blesses,
Each rebuke vomits,
Each spider weaves,
Each flame ignites,
Each eraser rubs,
Each brick constructs,
Each dolphin delights,
Each raspberry enthuses,
Each acid burns,
Each insinuation intrigues,
Each leaf withers,
Each snake hisses,
Each pirate plunders,
Each prince rules,
Each enigma eludes,
Each truth eternalizes,
Each emblem patronizes,
Each story modernizes,
Each whip tyrannizes,
Each raconteur soliloquizes,
Each shackle traumatizes,
Each beat pulsates,
Each wine intoxicates,
Each beam dazzles,
Each sword slashes,
Each advertisement beguiles,
Each feather tickles,
Each fire blazes,
Each matchstick incinerates,
Each droplet pacifies,
Each complication tenses,
Each sport recharges,
Each whisper reverberates,
Each model exposes,
Each commodity sells,
Each death depresses,
Each height impresses,
Each relationship harnesses,
Each inspiration leads,
Each medicine rehabilitates,
Each knife cuts,
Each noose strangulates,
Each tail wags,
Each desert simmers,
Each farmer ploughs,
Each scepter protects,
Each conviction delivers,
Each ink embosses,
Each fish swims,
Each frog croaks,
Each leech sucks,
Each astringent cleans,
Each wall defends,
Each cream titillates,
Each desire mellows,
Each romance flowers,
Each monster growls,
Each lunatic frenzies,
Each lover exultates,
Each revolution perseveres,
Each knot entangles,
Each reward astonishes,
Each cynosure reveals,
Each impersonation cheats,
Each coalition unites,
Each sharing satisfies,
Each yawn isolates,
Each poking irritates,
Each design synchronizes,
Each dimension accurates,
Each earthquake devastates,
Each misdeed penalizes,
Each thorn pierces,
Each picture portrays,
Each scowl abhors,
Each lock incarcerates,
Each key unveils,
Each bone crunches,
Each storm transcends,
Each stream gurgles,
Each fountain cascades,
Each suspense chills,
Each grave dooms,
Each cuckoo sings,
Each butterfly frolicks,
Each chameleon changes,
Each sadist tortures,
Each fist clenches,
Each neck rotates,
Each bank secures,
Each handshake binds,
Each repetition emphasizes,
Each panther gallops,
Each fox manipulates,
Each froth tantalizes,
Each caricature mocks,
Each ride frees,
Each hook captures,
Each horizon expands,
Each platform resurrects,
Each foothold maneuvers,
Each sheep bleats,
Each fountain cascades,
Each icecream cools,
Each candle melts,
Each rain stimulates,
Each bicycle pedals,
Each fossil recounts,
Each chocolate ravishes,
Each dragon snares,
Each rat squeaks,
Each sponge compresses,
Each spring rebounds,
Each thumbprint qualifies,
Each age teaches,
Each situation demands,
Each nostalgia yearns,
Each caress stirs,
Each encouragement revives,
Each elastic stretches,
Each file stores,
Each boundary limits,
Each mouth speaks,
Each wave ebbs,
Each bliss bestows,
Each salute respects,
Each cancer debilitates,
Each loss cripples,
Each scenery fascinates,
Each sunshine optimizes,
Each worm burrows,
Each flamingo hibernates,
Each crocodile pulverizes,
Each voluptuous excites,
Each lover sacrifices,
Each possessive obsesses,
Each support amalgamates,
Each ant irritates,
Each speck floats,
Each politician promises,
Each bat suspends,
Each rendezvous intimates,
Each spontaneity renews,
Each marauding destructs,
Each fever disorients,
Each utopia incantates,
Each burglar pilfers,
Each bludgeon strikes,
Each success inspires,
Each imagination transpires,
Each cheek blushes,
Each greed empties,
Each umbrella shelters,
Each culture cares,
Each smoke smolders,
Each film stars,
Each lick wets,
Each melody enthralls,
Each cognition triggers,
Each meditation concentrates,
Each cat meows,
Each volcano erupts,
Each tornado entrenches,
Each python swallows,
Each art expresses,
Each word exemplifies,
Each balance weighs,
Each nerve connects,
Each reflection magnifies,
Each magnet attracts,
Each philanthropism appreciates,
Each demon intimidates,
Each infant cries,
Each balloon bursts,
Each beak pecks,
Each envious condemns,
Each dawn embellishes,
Each infection spreads,
Each massage recharges,
Each host serves,
Each tip epitomizes,
Each soil cultivates,
Each bomb devastates,
Each enclosure obfuscates,
Each garland felicitates,
Each facility facilitates,
Each goodness prevails,
Each current electrocutes,
Each toy plays,
Each fairy marvels,
Each window overlooks,
Each eyeball moistens,
Each trendsetter motivates,
Each messiah ameliorates,
Each pagan violates,
Each mist obscures,
Each pain perpetuates,
Each humanitarian helps,
Each oil greases,
Each draught whistles,
Each conscience guides,
Each monotony exhausts,
Each drama evokes,
Each karma consecrates,
Each religion cares,
Each breath lives,
Each heart palpitates,
/> Each body relishes,
Each existence decides,
And each life loves.
Art immortalizes,
Manipulation wanders in realms of traumatized hell.
Art stupefies,
Manipulation is a balloon of monotony which augments by the unfurling second.
Art mesmerizes,
Manipulation rots in dungeons of stagnation.
Art fortifies,
Manipulation collapses even before it rises from the ground.
Art blossoms,
Manipulation is a vicious whirlwind which always recoils.
Art embraces,
Manipulation strangulates beyond realms of suffocation.
Art showers,
Manipulation salaciously dries every droplet of blood that serenely cascades.
Art tantalizes,
Manipulation annihilates fantasy from its very roots.
Art symbolizes,
Manipulation disdainfully infiltrates irrefutable truth.
Art innovates,
Manipulation puts all dreams to an obnoxious standstill.
Art sings,
Manipulation is the origin of all obstreperous abuse.
Art harbors,
Manipulation ruins the mightiest to raw grains of inconspicuous ash.
Art unites,
Manipulation profoundly dismantles the crux of blissful humanity.
Art enlightens,
Manipulation perpetually fails to break the walls of despair.
Art smiles,
Manipulation brutally sucks the tiniest trace of jubilation in life.
Art entices,
Manipulation repels even the most horrendous battalion of mosquitoes.
Art intoxicates,
Manipulation buries a man breathing celestially beneath his grave.
Art succeeds,
Manipulation rots in corridors of gloom even after amassing unfathomable wealth.
Art blesses,
Manipulation snatches the most cherished people from your life.
Art evolves,
Manipulation puts dismal brakes to the captivating spell of newness and excitement.
Art ignites,
Manipulation spills profuse nonchalance since the first cry of beautiful life.
Art dazzles,
Manipulation extinguishes every trace of light basking in the glory of truth; on the trajectory of this boundless planet.