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Life = Death - volume 4 - Poems on Life , Death Page 4
Life = Death - volume 4 - Poems on Life , Death Read online
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Intriguingly cracking infinite enigmas of existence; yet insatiably desiring to lay its hands on countless more puzzles loitering in sinister doom,
O! yes the body might wholesomely collapse into a bedraggled heap; but the human mind is unbelievable; simply refraining to cease.
Ardently desiring to slip into a fantasy which never ends; witnessing a cloudburst of mesmerizing dreams even under the most stringently sweltering rays of Sunshine,
Galloping at a speed faster than that of dazzling light; chasing the shadows which lingered even in themost obsoletely dilapidated corners of free space,
Blending with an unending myriad of tunes; evolving boundless rhymes simply out of thin bits of air,
Plummeting several feet beneath raw soil; unrelentingly searching for the remotest traces of alluring exoticism,
O! yes the body might wholesomely collapse into a bedraggled heap; but the human mind is unbelievable; simply refraining to cease.
Insurmountably functioning all day like the vivaciously ticking clock; getting more vociferous than thunderbolts of lightening leaping down from
the unfathomably vast sky,
Flapping its wings into the territory which appeared to be the most treacherously unknown; feeling every inconspicuous object sprawled in vicinity,
Drawn inevitably towards the inexplicably colossal; unrestricted in movement of any kind or form,
Slithering like an untamed reptile; unpredictably loitering in a dense forest of its vividly everlasting perceptions,
O! yes the body might wholesomely collapse into a bedraggled heap; but the human mind is unbelievable; simply refraining to cease.
Performing a dance of profusely enchanting melody every unfurling second; inquisitive about each new aspect in the game called life,
Roaring thunderously like a striped panther towards the winds of oblivion; fulminating like an uninhibited volcano when stirred at times,
Innovating relentlessly; with an inexorably longing to embark on fathomless new expeditions in the course of existence,
Imbibing whatever might be even of the most infinitesimal interest to its cells; probing indefatigably into every conceivable vista of freshly rejuvenating energy,
O! yes the body might wholesomely collapse into a bedraggled heap; but the human mind is unbelievable; simply refraining to cease.
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you always stay flagrantly disheartened; cursing even the most infinitesimal whiplash of wind; that brushed across your sullen cheeks ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you keep nonchalantly prattling about hedonistically lambasted misery; even in the most brilliantly majestic rays of the morning Sun ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you bizarrely ruminate about things which weren’t the slightest existing; whiling away countless hours of your life without any sagacious reason or rhyme ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you shudder to attempt innovations beyond the comprehensions of the conventional society; ghoulishly incarcerating yourself into webs of insane drudgery ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you succumb to the frenetic pace of the monotonous world outside; deliriously perceive only about the devil; about to
gruesomely land in your lap ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you miserably fail time and again even in the most harmonious of your projects; pathetically stutter to rise to the absolute epitome of pristine prosperity ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you unrelentingly cry when the maelstrom strikes; shrink like an inconspicuously delinquent mosquito; into your malicious shell ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you lose your temper at the slightest of disparity in the atmosphere; vacillating like a frivolous feather in the aisles of uncertainty; for infinite more births of yours yet to unveil ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you baselessly groan at the tiniest of bruise; when the brutally scorched deserts at the same time didn’t utter a word; although they were torturously torched till eternity; in the sweltering Sun ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you nervously cogitate for space to survive; although you the flowers of the most majestically adorable castle; profusely kissed you at the unfurling of every dawn ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you horrendously mess up even the most rustically lucid things in enigmatic existence; although timelessly proliferating
brain and brawn were unassailably on your side ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you clasp your nimble head as if a billion knives were stabbing you from all sides; whereas the planet unraveled into
shades of vividly burgeoning life; in every conceivable direction outside ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you accept nondescript defeat in every ingredient that enveloped your blood; even before you could leap a single stride
towards the heavens of inimitable triumph ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you dishearteningly trembled all spellbinding midnight; just to lecherously vomit in uncontrollable exasperation all throughout
the blazingly flamboyant day ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you slither aimlessly on obdurately heartless ground; even as you exerted your eyes to the most ultimate of your capacity; browsing through the definition of victory ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you fidget in the dungeons of decrepit oblivion; even as the most joyously infallible waves of freshness; insatiably
wanted to embrace you from all sides ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you feel preposterously blinded; even as the Omnipotent rays of unblemished Moon; celestially perpetuated you in the impeccable whites of your eyes ?
Have you ever wondered; as to why do you haplessly asphyxiate yourself to a gory death; even as the bountifully sacrosanct mantra of life; royally cascaded from the perennially Omnipresent skies ?
Well its simply because you solely depended upon your destiny a trifle too much; eventually transforming into a mountain without a peak when even the tiniest
of the astrologer’s prediction and the stars bizarrely betrayed you; whereas all that the Almighty Lord had commanded you; was to altruistically keep doing benign
deeds till your very last breath,
And then immortal success would forever be yours; without the most ethereal intervention of infidel destiny; and with the invincibly fructifying blessings
of his Omnipotent shine.
Whether you placed him on the majestically regale clouds; or whether you placed him on the discordantly blaring and devastatingly dusty streets,
Whether you placed him on royal embellishments of mesmerizing ice-cream; or whether you placed him in the center of the overflowing gutter drain; nonchalantly stinking of nothing but undigested sewage,
Whether you placed him on idols of fantastically glistening gold; or whether you placed him in the heart of the vindictively hedonistic maelstrom; where nothing but savage blood dogmatically rained,
Whether you placed him in the aisles of ardently unending desire; or whether you placed him on the deadpans of traumatically horrific despair and delinquent hopelessness,
Whether you placed him on feathers of unparalleled felicitation; or whether you placed him in a disparagingly pulverized curry of obnoxiously squandering
tomatoes and lethal scorpions,
Whether you placed him on the spectacularly bewitching and princely throne; or whether you placed him on a bed of acrimoniously torturous thorns,
Whether you placed him on fathomlessly resplendent sea’s of panoramic enchantment; or whether you placed him in the exact middle of the diabolically scorching fires,
Whether you placed him in the heavens of unconquerable prosperity; or whether you placed him in mortuaries of treacherously ghoulish and maiming abuse,
Whether you placed him amidst vivaciously danci
ng peacocks; or whether you placed him in the murderously asphyxiating coffin alive,
Whether you placed him in the cradles of impregnably unblemished innocence; or whether you placed him in disastrously miserable jailhouses of the forlornly corrupt politician,
Whether you placed him in the meadows of picturesquely panoramic divinity; or whether you placed him in the truculently acrid and perniciously sweltering desert
Whether you placed him in impeccably milky cisterns of enigmatic moonlight; or whether you placed him in the disdainfully fretting pig stalk; where all he got to
eat was cannibalistically lackadaisical shit,
Whether you placed him in an armor of patriotically blazing selflessness; or whether you placed him in frigidly sulking and regretfully orphaned ponds of nothingness,
Whether you placed him in the entrenchment of everlastingly fructifying sainthood; or whether you placed him in lackluster mud quagmired with cold-blooded leeches and egregious worms,
Whether you placed him on the skies of handsomely burgeoning victory; or whether you placed him in the gratuitously hideous crocodiles; emaciated mouth,
Whether you placed him in the winds of aristocratically bestowing chivalry; or whether you placed him in fecklessly slavering and tumultuously rebuked saliva,
Whether you placed him in the crystal of miraculously celestial clairvoyance; or whether you placed him between the petulantly shivering; stray dog’s tail,
Whether you placed him in an unsurpassable valley of timelessly redolent roses; or whether you placed him in a grotesquely cacophonic skeleton of baselessly orphaned mosquitoes,
Whether you placed him abreast the entire wealth and love on this limitless planet; or whether you placed him on the floors where mercilessly marauded the most satanically greedy of dinosaurs,
And it really doesn’t matter where you decided to place him; amidst what shape and form you decided to place his destined life; because if he was true to each beat of his euphoric heart; if he was true to his spirit of harmoniously symbiotic existence; if he was true to the message that the Lord Almighty had ordered him to tirelessly convey; he would forever remain an artist even as ghostly hell relentlessly rained down
on earth; O! Yes his immortal art would never ever die.
Just because you weren’t in the mood to have that extra shade of tan; doesn’t mean that the Omnipotent Sun; wholesomely abdicated to ferociously blaze and
perpetually shine,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to refreshingly bathe; doesn’t mean that the ebullient ocean; wholesomely relinquished to timelessly swirl into a festoon of poignantly reinvigorating and tangy froth,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to be enigmatic; doesn’t mean that the majestic forests; wholesomely stopped their exuberantly rustling leaves and enchanting winds,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to mischief; doesn’t mean that the charismatic chimpanzees; wholesomely gave up their astoundingly frivolous appetite to innocuously philander and merrily wink,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to gallop; doesn’t mean that the ecstatic breeze; wholesomely abandoned its stupendously exhilarating tenacity to
impregnably enlighten and desire,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to blaze; doesn’t mean that the patriotic soldiers; wholesomely left the warfront forever; and let the blissfully sacrosanct
soil of their motherland be confiscated by cannibalistically crucifying traitors,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to be titillated; doesn’t mean that the sensuously tantalizing night; wholesomely metamorphosed into fiercely iconoclastic
and unbearably scorching afternoon,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to smell; doesn’t mean that the vividly enamoring lotus’s; wholesomely dumped their fathomlessly invincible and tirelessly
blessing scent,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to sight; doesn’t mean that the panoramically boundless gorges and mountains; wholesomely reduced to a pulverized coffin; of lividly insane nothingness,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to pray; doesn’t mean that the sky of Omnipresently symbiotic faith; wholesomely extinguished into infinitesimally dolorous and inconsequentially feckless oblivion,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to compassionately mélange; doesn’t mean that the meadow of priceless humanity; wholesomely deteriorated into a egregiously stagnating gutter of maliciously vindictive prejudice,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to listen; doesn’t mean that the nightingales of princely togetherness; wholesomely battered their eternally mellifluous throats; into mortuaries of despairingly crippling silence,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to illuminate; doesn’t mean that the citadel of insuperably royal optimism; wholesomely crumbled to disastrously frigid ash,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to frolic; doesn’t mean that the jubilantly chirping birds and butterflies; wholesomely bid a perpetual adieu; to the winds of cavorting sensuality and celestial Sunshine,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to innovate; doesn’t mean that the process of limitless proliferation on this gigantic Universe; wholesomely disappeared into graveyards of penuriously decrepit misery,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to persevere; doesn’t mean that the ardently glistening fireball of honest sweat; wholesomely buried itself beneath skeletons of frantically dogmatic desperation,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to succeed; doesn’t mean that the sword of scintillatingly righteous victory; wholesomely transformed itself into a scorpion of plaintively pallid and bawdy betrayal,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to be selfless; doesn’t mean that every mother on this wonderfully iridescent planet; wholesomely converted into a penalizing sorceress; morbidly asphyxiating the nimble throat of her new born child,
Just because you weren’t in the mood to live; doesn’t mean that the chapters of perennially endowing and fructifying life; wholesomely became the stamp of
cadaverously cowardly death,
And just because you weren’t in the mood to love; doesn’t mean that the beats of an immortally blossoming relationship; wholesomely reduced to satanically devilish and flagrantly demolishing hatred.
Whether you be the most triumphant vanguard of all civilization; or whether you be a mist of inimitably silken desire; sensuously enveloping every cranny of this beleaguered planet in cloudbursts of ardent desire,
Whether you be an indomitably towering mountain top; or whether you be a river of perennial enchantment; cascading down the ever-pervading Himalayas,
Whether you be a garden of celestially endowing roses; or whether you be the sky of fathomlessly invincible truth; miraculously mitigating even the most ephemeral speck of sorrow; from the periphery of this estranged Universe,
Whether you be a timelessly resplendent star; or whether you be a boundless playground of ecstatic frolic; merrily cavorting till times beyond eternity; behind the handsomely Sun soaked hills,
Time is an unstoppably inevitable whirlwind which simply doesn’t stop for you or the greatest of your form if you’re not the Lord; so utilize every second of it to the most unprecedentedly euphoric limits; or be swept like a frigidly inane matchstick in its
unrelentingly inexorable swirl.
Whether you be a cloud of exotically voluptuous titillation; or whether you be an impeccably spell binding saint; rising to the most sagaciously sacrosanct degrees of self control,
Whether you be a reindeer of unlimited prosperity; or whether you be an uninhibitedly blazing wave of indefatigably unparalleled optimism,
Whether you be a stupendously unassailable incense stick of unflinching righteousness; or whether you be an enigmatically supernatur
al idol; selflessly
exorcising yourself from even the most infinitesimal bit of worldly desire,
Whether you be the everlastingly titillating voice of the enchanting nightingale; or whether you be an effervescently mystical kite; floating in invincibly untainted sky,
Time is an uncontrollably inevitable maelstrom which simply doesn’t stop for you or the greatest of your form if you’re not the Lord; so utilize every second of it to the most unbelievably ecstatic limits; or be devoured in its tirelessly unremitting wisps like the orphaned whisker of the sultry broomstick.
Whether you be a tornado of uncanny exhilaration; or whether you be the ebulliently gyrating feathers of the peacock; under the very first drops of eternally magnificent rain,
Whether you be the uncrowned King of the entire opalescent planet; or whether you be the most venerated poet of the century; mellifluously stirring trillions of hearts with the spirit of magical brotherhood and immortal love,
Whether you be a fountain of benevolently untainted innocence; or whether you be the meadows of ubiquitously untamed mischief; unraveling into Godly childhood every unfurling instant of the gloriously Sunlit day,