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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 15 Page 4
You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 15 Read online
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your beautifully Omnipresent feet,
My ears could perhaps endlessly shun you out; but what about their astoundingly undefeatable sensitivity; which perpetuated into a garden of insuperable loveliness an infinite spaces above heaven; at the tiniest insinuation of your sound,
My shoulders could perhaps treacherously discard you out; but what about
their unflinchingly triumphant strength; which tirelessly followed only the strings of your unassailably divine righteousness,
My feet could perhaps mercilessly pulverize you out; but what about their every magnanimous imprint; which was nothing but a manifestation of your miraculously ameliorating selflessness,
My tongue could perhaps salaciously spit you out; but what about its unceasing plethora of tastebuds; which indefatigably breathed only to relish the flavor of your celestially empowering existence,
My skin could perhaps diabolically slander you out; but what about its every ardently aroused pore; which rested in perennially heavenly contentment only after
your magically mitigating caress,
My nails could perhaps perniciously scratch you out; but what about their
supreme uninhibitedness; which was solely a ramification of your undauntedly
liberated persona,
My hair could perhaps perfidiously dismantle you out; but what about their incredulously mesmerizing vivaciousness; in which reflected solely your exuberantly unfettered stride,
My bones could perhaps satanically trash you out; but what about their Herculean strength; which possessed only your pristine elixir of unconquerable truthfulness to survive,
My legs could perhaps ignominiously squelch you out; but what about their
tremendously unhindered exhilaration; their ecstatic gallop towards the victory line which was forever sublimed by your Omnipresent smiles,
My conscience could perhaps scurrilously scavenge you out; but what about
its mirror of Omnisciently brilliant truth; in which was profoundly embedded yours and only your immaculately unprejudiced image of life,
My nostrils could perhaps hideously squirm you out; but what about their unlimited gorge of fantastically life-yielding breath; which had perpetually coalesced with every step that you alighted in the chapter of inscrutable life,
And my heart could perhaps unsparingly excoriate you out; but what about its
sky of immortally ubiquitous beats; everyone of them on which you ruled as the ultimate princess for times even beyond an infinite more lifetimes .
When I kissed you on your marvelously rubicund lips; I felt as if floating in the bountifully pristine paradise; with every bit of happiness on this fathomless planet; mine and perpetually mine,
When I kissed you on your ingeniously sculptured forehead; I felt as if even
the most inconspicuously infidel ingredient of my blood; had forever metamorphosed into a lake of insuperably divine righteousness,
When I kissed you on your daintily artistic fingers; I felt as if even the most insidiously diabolical of monotony on this boundless earth; had transformed into a fountain of perennially unhindered rhapsody,
When I kissed you on your sensuously moistened throat; I felt the most blessed organism on this gargantuan Universe; unsurpassably culminating into a fireball
of unceasingly effulgent delight,
When I kissed you on your ebulliently newborn eyelashes; I felt that the entire newness of this miraculously ameliorating planet; was now embedded for times immemorial; profoundly into the dormitories of my soul,
When I kissed you on your tantalizingly nubile belly; I felt as to why was the entire planet unrelentingly engaged in ruthlessly bombarding war; when ultimate victory was just a compassionate caress away,
When I kissed you on your majestically seductive cheeks; I felt as if the most torrentially blessing rainfall was cascading from the Omnipotent skies; magically mitigating me of the most inexplicably cancerous of my disease,
When I kissed you on your astoundingly sensitive ears; I felt as if everything around me had come to an intractable standstill; with the most thunderously demonic screams miserably floundering to have the tiniest of impact on my celestially everlasting reverie,
When I kissed you on your jubilantly ravishing nape; I felt every puff of the atmosphere to be an unbelievably charismatic flower of solidarity; enlightening every aspect of my lugubriously plaintive existence with unlimitedly benign care,
When I kissed you on your optimistically venerated feet; I felt as if my search for the Omniscient divine had ended here itself; with even the most infinitesimally faulty aspect of my survival now replaced with the infallibly invincible armor of eternal truth,
When I kissed you on your affably glistening armpits; I felt even the most ethereal pore of my skin transcend the aisles of infinite infinity; sing in ever-pervading unison with the laws of pricelessly symbiotic existence,
When I kissed you on your eclectically vivacious shadow; I felt as there was
not the most diminutive trace of depression on this limitless planet; as if my body was evolved just to unfathomably fantasize and rest,
When I kissed you on your resplendently enamoring tongue; I felt timelessly philandering in a heaven of incredulously unending enchantment; where my
thirst for every pricelessly panoramic thing of life was quenched to the most unprecedented limits,
When I kissed you on your altruistically philanthropic shoulders; I felt closer than ever to every fraternity of unassailable humanity; synergistically blending with its myriad infinite colors of unshakable togetherness,
When I kissed you on your magnificently inebriating chin; I felt cloudbursts
of unfettered exhilaration ignite in even the most evanescent of my senses; as I intrepidly galloped through the seas of never-ending adventure,
When I kissed you on your freshly bathed bosom; I felt myself to be the most
astoundingly virile man on the trajectory of this unending Universe; proliferating into timelessly endowing newness in just one singularly truncated lifetime,
When I kissed you on your enigmatically euphoric panic-button; I felt the
highest apogee of every source of vibrantly palpitating life; plummeting face-on into such a valley of unparalleled excitement; which had simply no end,
When I kissed you on your fierily breathing nostrils; I felt the most passionately impregnable entity alive; even an infinite feet beneath my morbidly delinquent corpse,
And when I kissed you on your immortally victorious heart; I felt as if the
Omnipresent Creator had granted me a countless more lives in a single lifetime; as if I had freshly arisen from the graveyard of the most ghastliest of death; to be blessedly reborn .
Before two eyes could perpetually meet; it was tirelessly indispensable that their majestically unfettered and symbiotically convivial empathy; should forever and blissfully meet,
Before two lips could perpetually meet; it was boundlessly indispensable that their sensuously proliferating and timelessly igniting passion; should forever and impregnably meet,
Before two palms could perpetually meet; it was insurmountably indispensable
that their beautifully benign and inexhaustibly philanthropic selflessness; should forever and unassailably meet,
Before two bloodstreams could perpetually meet; it was limitlessly indispensable that their celestially unfettered and inimitably brilliant fragrance; should forever and ecstatically meet,
Before two fingers could perpetually meet; it was unceasingly indispensable; that their wonderfully emollient and royally blessing artistry; should forever and triumphantly meet,
Before two skins could perpetually meet; it was irrefutably indispensable; that their pristinely burgeoning and unfathomably astounding mischief; should forever and enchantingly meet,
Before two brains could perpetually mee
t; it was unconquerably indispensable; that their panoramically liberated and marvelously humanitarian fantasies; should forever and ever-pervadingly meet,
Before two shadows could perpetually meet; it was unsurpassably indispensable; that their fathomlessly mesmerizing and mellifluously mollifying tranquility; should forever and insuperably meet,
Before two shoulders could perpetually meet; it was unlimitedly indispensable; that their magically mitigating and benevolently Herculean strength; should forever and exuberantly meet,
Before two feet could perpetually meet; it was indomitably indispensable; that their spectacularly brazen and uncannily tantalizing adventures; should forever and vividly meet,
Before two ears could perpetually meet; it was poignantly indispensable; that their gloriously untainted and supremely Omnipotent sensitivity; should forever and blessedly meet,
Before two tongues could perpetually meet; it was irrevocably indispensable; that their aristocratically unbridled and jubilantly enlightening melody; should forever and eternally meet,
Before two conscience’s could perpetually meet; it was inexorably indispensable; that their miraculously ameliorating and effulgently optimistic truths; should forever and resplendently meet,
Before two eyelashes could perpetually meet; it was immutably indispensable; that their spell-bindingly nubile and beautifully synergistic flirtations; should forever and victoriously meet,
Before two bellies could perpetually meet; it was immeasurably indispensable; that their unbelievably charismatic and magnificently rhapsodic titillations; should
forever and unshakably meet,
Before two bones could perpetually meet; it was wholesomely indispensable; that their ebulliently enamoring and untiringly sacrosanct ambitions; should forever and indisputably meet,
Before two breaths could perpetually meet; it was interminably indispensable; that their passionately Omnipresent and unrestrictedly augmenting sensualities; should forever and undefeatedly meet,
Before two hearts could perpetually meet; it was fundamentally indispensable; that their immortally unstoppable and Omnisciently faithful beats; should forever and heavenly meet,
And before two bodies could perpetually meet; it was infallibly indispensable; that their profoundly impeccable and bountifully emancipating souls; should forever and invincibly meet .
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; smelling the most
tantalizingly redolent and supremely pristine of rose,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; adventuring into the most stupendously exhilarating and inscrutably pristine forests,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; tasting the most
majestically sensuous and beautifully replenishing wine,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; sighting the most
panoramically blissful and fathomlessly endowing treasures of this Universe,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; dancing under the
most vivaciously blistering and brilliantly unfettered rays of the enamoring morning Sun,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; uttering the most
pricelessly unconquerable and bountifully blessing elements of truth,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; celebrating the
most sacredly ameliorating and irrefutably benevolent victory to unprecedented limits,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; wholesomely blending even the most infinitesimal pore of their miserably estranged conscience; with the winds of unparalleled righteousness,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; bathing under the
most invincibly celestial and timelessly exuberant of waterfall,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; excoriating every
bit of ruthlessly incorrigible and parasitically delinquent dirt from their nubile skins,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; procreating just
one of their handsome kin; and thereby becoming an integrally indispensable
benefactor of symbiotically godly proliferation,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; indomitably signing with their robust palms; on the chapters of enchantingly emollient and unbelievably ecstatic life,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; transiting their
fretfully beleaguered bodies into heavenly slumber; during the royally twinkling night,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; accepting the fact that they were indeed born from the womb of their Omnisciently compassionate
and eternally sparkling mother,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; enshrouding every bone of their forlornly amorphous bodies; with the fabric of insuperably uniting humanity,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; listening to the most impeccably glorious and undefeatedly replenishing voices of their hearts,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; synergistically plunging into the ocean of unflinchingly pious and ever-pervadingly Omnipotent; fertility,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; inhaling inimitably natural and unconquerably rhapsodic air,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; lighting a parsimoniously singular candle; to magnificently enlighten the complexion of the cadaverously hedonistic and brutally stinging night,
There were some who thought an infinite times even before; accepting the fact that they were harmoniously existent on the periphery of this boundless Universe; although they had the power to explicitly envisage the same in the first place,
But there was none on this impregnably endless earth who thought even an
obfuscated once before falling in love; letting every beat of their heart immortally bond with the soul mate of their destined life; letting every beat of their heart become unshakably one with the most Omnipresent gift of creation; letting every beat of their heart become a perpetual victim of “Love at first sight” .
Appallingly crippling blackness; even in the most Omnipotently blazing of Sunlight; as the most triumphant of Sun unflinchingly blazed upon the trajectory of
this fathomlessly enchanting Universe,
Ghoulishly invidious blackness; even in the most everlastingly mesmerizing meadows of brilliantly unfettered freshness and newness,
Criminally stabbing blackness; even in the most triumphantly blistering pathways of freedom and royally magical liberation of the soul,
Hopelessly asphyxiating blackness; even in the most ecstatically vibrant rainbows; dancing in the aisles of unsurpassably unceasing exhilaration,
Deplorably cadaverous blackness; even in the most mellifluously rhapsodic moments of boundlessly spell binding life; even as every iota of bitterness was beautifully metamorphosed into exuberant paradise,
Satanically strangulating blackness; even in the most pricelessly victorious of artistry; even as dewdrops of Omnipotent virility cascaded uninhibitedly from every speck
of the limitless sky,
Ominously deteriorating blackness; even in the most innocuously endowing playgrounds of blessed childhood; even as there blossomed nothing else but enthralling innovation in every ingredient of the ebullient atmosphere,
Sinfully sodomizing blackness; even as infinite couples around coalesced into the eternally unbreakable wedlock; even as the winds of symbiotically infallible compassion reigned supreme till times immemorial,
Remorsefully condemning blackness; even as every iota of the most hideously cannibalistic crime on this earth transformed into a paradise of unassailable
friendship and
global brotherhood,
Incorrigibly cancerous blackness; even in the heart of the most vivaciously unfettered sea; even as waves timelessly clashed against the rocks to diffuse into an unparalleled gorge of frosty tanginess,
Truculently victimizing blackness; even at the steps of the most sacredly Omniscient temple; church; mosque; monastery; even as countless impregnably replenished themselves with everlasting blessings of the Almighty Lord,
Hopelessly staggering blackness; even as the scepter of Omnipresent truth reigned as the only power on this boundless Universe; forever ending the dismally
salacious mortuary of tawdry lies,
Unsurpassably annihilating blackness; even as godly angels magically descended from the miraculously ameliorating heavens; perennially applying the balm of happiness on even the most infinitesimal trace of lambasted misery around,