Life = Death - volume 5 - Poems on Life Death Read online

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  The ghost of the unfortunate orphan; relentlessly chased all those diabolically evil spirits; who had so ruthlessly torn it apart from its Omnipotent parents once upon a time; penalizing it for ostensibly no reason or rhyme,

  The ghost of the brutally pulverized leaf; intransigently chased all those ungainly footsteps; who had so deliberately massacred it once upon a time; metamorphosing its cradle of insatiable ecstasy into a graveyard of gruesome silence,

  The ghost of the scorching desert; timelessly chased all those acrimoniously sweltering rays of the Sun; which had so truculently whiplashed it once upon a time; perniciously roasting its tranquility with fireballs of unbearable heat,

  The ghost of the excoriated shark; endlessly chased all those ominous hunters; who had so demonically slit its throat once upon a time; rendering its unconquerably princely form into an inconspicuous coffin of meaningless bone,

  The ghost of the assassinated artist; tirelessly chased all those conventionally stringent section of society; who had so ignominiously ostracized his work once upon a time; snobbishly tainting his marvelous artistry with their pompously deadened spit,

  The ghost of the ghastily blinded eye; limitlessly chased all those venomous thorns; who had so mercilessly pierced its periphery once upon a time; invidiously marauding its carpet of spell binding sensuousness with a treachery befitting a dreaded swine,

  The ghost of the maimed urchin; intractably chased all those salacious dictators; who had so lethally victimized its body once upon a time; transformed its gorgeously robust complexion into a shell of reclusively disparaging doom,

  The ghost of the tortured slave; immutably chased all those devilish powerhouses; which had so gorily crucified his vivacious soul once upon a time; despicably invading his fountain of uninhibited freedom with chains of incarcerating prejudice,

  The ghost of the heinously disintegrated egg; murderously chased all those

  perilous vultures; who had so satanically smashed it once upon a time; remorsefully depriving it of even the most infinitesimal of chance to witness the mesmerizing planet outside,

  The ghost of the pointed cactus; incorrigibly chased all those grotesque mouths; which had so abominably looked down upon it once upon a time; treating it as a piece of insipid shit as they endeavored their best to make fun of it; all the time,

  The ghost of the stripped chicken; irrevocably chased all those heartless butchers; which had so cruelly decimated it once upon a time; converting it into a pool of pathetic blood just to titillate the spurious tongues; of countless alien,

  The ghost of the annihilated township; uncontrollably chased all those worthless politicians; who had so unimaginably bombarded it once upon a time; converting even the most diminutive cranny of its persona into a battlefield of blood; hatred and abhorrent war,

  The ghost of the isolated path; unflaggingly chased all those pompously inflated tycoons; who had so impudently rejected it once upon a time; transiting it into a living mortuary; just to prevent that extra bit of mud from infiltrating into their bombastically worthless shoes,

  The ghost of  underprivileged children; inexhaustibly chased all those uselessly penalizing mavericks; who had so maliciously laughed upon their nimble demeanor; just because they were a shade stronger by the grace of Almighty Lord,

  The ghost of the traumatized seductress; unfathomably chased all those licentiously thwarting devils; who had so forcefully tied her in shackles of captivity once upon a time; cursing her song of tantalizing melody; with the cry of vengeful death,

  The ghost of the betrayed woman; doggedly chased all those perfidiously diseased impressions; which had so astutely trapped her once upon a time; transiently igniting the fires of unbelievable voluptuousness in her life; before ghoulishly shattering her for a countless more lives,

  But the seed of immortal love had no ghost; not even the most tiniest of

  sinister spirit to be afraid of; as it flowered into the most Omnipresent entrenchment of the divine; timelessly blossoming into the feathers of unshakable togetherness; even after all had died; even after the dying of unstoppable time.


  As much enchantingly resplendent was the fabric of; perennially blossoming life,

  Insidiously penalizing and inexplicably frustrating; were the pathetically dwindling chapters of disastrously gory death.

  As much blissfully proliferating was the garden of; vivaciously Omnipotent life,

  Horrifically crucifying and despicably stagnating; were the coffin nails of

  remorsefully fretting death.

  As much irrefutably truthful was the wind of; exhilaratingly ebullient life,

  Dolorously manipulative and abhorrently lecherous; were the flagrantly foul

  gutters of ruthlessly asphyxiating death.

  As much patriotically sparkling was the complexion of; vibrantly bountiful life,

  Salaciously impeding and vehemently whipping; were the stinking graveyards of

  indescribably orphaned death.

  As much refreshingly appetizing was the gorge of; astoundingly mesmerizing life,

  Lethally lambasting and forlornly decaying; were the satanic gallows of invidiously stifling death.

  As much tantalizingly silken was the mist of; enchantingly triumphant life,

  Cold-bloodedly massacring and vindictively venomous; were the lackluster corpses

  of ghastily sullen death.

  As much exotically enticing was the meadow of; vibrantly titillating life,

  Gruesomely parasitic and tyrannically torturous; were the mortifying gutters

  of despicably abominable death.

  As much poignantly perpetual was the bond of; fascinatingly blissful life,

  Lecherously lashing and diabolically pulverizing; were the cacophonic skeletons

  of grotesquely savage death.

  As much celestially placating was the reverie of; gorgeously marvellous life,

  Blatantly corrupt and meaninglessly ungainly; were the hopeless dungeons

  of disparagingly derogatory death.

  As much ravishingly sensuous was the heaven of; scintillatingly Omniscient life,

  Ghoulishly indiscriminate and traumatically hideous; were the nonchalant worms

  of bizarrely rotten death.

  As much innocuously sacred was the cradle of; bountifully proliferating life,

  Ominously crippling and preposterously dastardly; were the lackadaisically disappearing shadows of obsoletely jinxed death.

  As much timelessly compassionate was the path of; victoriously blazing life,

  Licentiously withering and regretfully castigating; were the heinously endless curses

  of drearily dolorous death.

  As much regally ubiquitous was the essence of; Omnipresently magnetic life,

  Baselessly stunted and horrifically wailing; were the pernicious maelstroms of sordidly demonic death.

  As much flamboyantly glittering was the cistern of; vividly eclectic life,

  Worthlessly lazing and sardonically stunted; were the prejudiced whiplashes

  of criminally castrating death.

  As much beautifully harmonious was the tonic of; Omnipotently bestowing life,

  Hatefully hunchbacked and ambiguously stinging; were the hypocrite stones

  of disdainfully ostracizing death.

  As much holistically eternal was the rainbow of; everlastingly blissful life,

  Truculently sucking and maliciously distorted; were the sinister tunes of mercilessly snapping death.

  As much graciously charismatic was the wall of; unshakably patriotic life,

  Insanely bereaved and uxoriously fiendish; were the prurient rides of idiosyncratically feckless death.

  As much marvellously bequeathing was the cloudburst of; unconquerably untamed life,

  Irately impudent and obnoxiously sultry; were the rebuking waves of agonizingly suffocating death.

  As much wonderfully fragrant was the jacket of; unass
ailably glorious life,

  Inconspicuously snobbish and punitively parsimonious; were the bellicose voices

  of vengefully woeful death.

  As much supremely humanitarian was the armor of; perpetually affable life,

  Shiveringly morbid and abusively mercurial; were the ungainly tunes of devastatingly disintegrating death.

  As much unsurpassably enthralling was the fortress of; unflinchingly intrepid life,

  Ludicrously cowardly and treacherously hollow; were the ignominious potholes of pugnaciously threadbare death.

  As much invaluably Godly was the whistle of; never-endingly augmenting life,

  Haplessly destitute and unfathomably maimed; were the evil arms of relentlessly weeping death.

  And as much fervently passionately was the beat of; immortally resplendent life,

  Brutally snatching and weirdly disfigured; were the barbarically blood-coated alphabets of unforgivably condemning death.




  Insatiably making me erupt into a garden of everlasting enthrallment; profusely blending each of my murderously devastated senses with the most bountiful paradise of the Lord Divine,

  Fantastically propelling me to indefatigably dance all night; inundate the curtain of ghastly blackness with the uninhibited frenzy of my tantalizing gyrations,

  Royally perpetuating each arena of my nimbly impoverished countenance; with unfathomable rivers of majestically titillating exuberance,

  Voluptuously unfurling even the most dolorously strangulated pores of my skin; to perennially coalesce with the clouds of enigmatically eluding fantasy,

  Such was the untamed inferno of my poignantly charismatic sensuousness; drowning me forever and ever and ever into an ocean of ardently silken desire.


  Fabulously mesmerizing me on every step that I transgressed; blazingly flooding each drearily diminishing nerve of mine with the eternal elixir of unparalleled excitement,

  Bountifully deluging my indolently stony eyeballs with marvelously ever augmenting exhilaration; impregnating in them an unsurpassable entrenchment of timeless desire,

  Divinely pacifying even the most infinitesimally disgruntled pore of my visage; with its sky of panoramically rejuvenating freshness,

  Unbelievably enchanting even the most lackadaisically loitering ingredient of my blood; profoundly embellishing my entire body with its of unending graciousness,

  Such was the unassailable heaven of my ravishing sensuousness; incessantly spiraling above the skies of unending yearning; perpetually drifting me solely towards the

  path of sparkling enticement.


  Miraculously instilling uninhibited spurts of ebullient lightening in my pathetically croaking voice; euphorically escalating it to wholesomely melange with a fountain of resplendent goodness,

  Piquantly adorning my nonchalantly fading lips with a flavor so intransigently regale; that I uncontrollably kissed even the most diminutive iota of rhapsody cascading freely in the beautiful atmosphere,

  Magnificently unveiling every bit of asphyxiated emotion brutally trapped in the innermost realms of my conscience; liberating my body into the aisles of celestially gallivanting freedom and far away from the uncouth vagaries of this treacherously manipulative planet,

  Voraciously tickling each cranny of my miserably disheveled flesh; witnessing me ecstatically bounce way beyond the corridors of gloriously princely imagination,

  Such was the romantically fiery cistern of my silken sensuousness; aristocratically draping my mercurial form with the jubilant inebriation and patriotism of

  wonderful rhyme.


  Gorgeously incinerating my brain to fantasize beyond the land of the charmingly extraordinary; unrelentingly delving and exploring the territories of insatiably euphoric wilderness,

  Magically bestowing my penuriously dwindling aura with an unsurpassable festoon of melody; splendidly healing even the most inexplicably traumatic of my wounds,

  Compassionately  caressing even the most parsimonious trace of frazzled agony round my body; with its winds of unshakably unprecedented belonging,

  Transiting me into the most astoundingly celestial reverie of my life; fabulously painting each of my dreams with the unending magic of God’s pricelessly proliferating creation,

  Such was the triumphant river of my spell binding sensuousness; resplendently harnessing every disastrously dithering element of my visage; with a wand of magically burgeoning intoxication and immortal enthrallment.



  In order to whet appetite for food; all that was required was the tantalizing scent of heavenly corn,

  In order to whet appetite for the morning; all that was required was; the boisterously bubbly chirp of the melodious cuckoo,

  In order to whet appetite for beauty; all that was required was; ravishingly seductive breeze; which transited you into an indefinite stupor above the clouds,

  In order to whet appetite for fantasy; all that was required was; a fabulously gorgeous valley inundated with fireballs of mystical enchantment,

  In order to whet appetite for farming; all that was required was fathomless acres of ravenously pristine soil; a rhapsodic festoon of clouds deluging the horizons with stupendous mysticism,

  In order to whet appetite for adventure; all that was required was; boundless kilometers of undulating terrain; the insatiably titillating waves of the poignantly gorgeous ocean,

  In order to whet appetite for a kiss; all that was required was; celestially divine contours of voluptuous lips; pursing themselves ardently in the heart of the charismatic night,

  In order to whet appetite for childhood; all that was required was; the irrefutably sacrosanct mother; incredulously igniting the innocuously frolicking child in your monotonously commercial eyes,

  In order to whet appetite for study; all that was required was; an unparalleled ambition which had nowhere else; but the ingratiatingly mesmerizing corridors of paradise to go,

  In order to whet appetite for mysticism; all that was required was; an unfathomable myriad of alluring destiny lines; that unveiled tumultuous enigma; at every encounter with pragmatic life,

  In order to whet appetite for cleanliness; all that was required was; the insurmountably rejuvenating sheet of silken stars; a harmoniously captivating

  waterfall; handsomely culminating into vivacious froth; after clashing against the wonderful rocks,

  In order to whet appetite for artistry; all that was required was the innermost catharsis of the majestic soul; an exuberantly enthralling backdrop of scarlet roses amidst the skies,

  In order to whet appetite for galloping; all that was required was; an uninterrupted race track stretching into spell binding wilderness; a royal horse compassionately neighing to be set free,

  In order to whet appetite for mischief; all that was required was a fantastically emulating chimpanzee; bouncing in the aisles of free flowing fantasy and surreptitious foliage,

  In order to whet appetite for marketing; all that was required was; an insurmountably exciting challenge; a market commensurately disseminated with customers of every fraternity; customers of every kind,

  In order to whet appetite for romancing; all that was required was; poignant winds of perpetual stillness; a philanthropically commiserating partner of your choice,

  In order to whet appetite for friendship; all that was required was; a magnanimously sharing conscience; a mate to lean upon symbiotically at all times,

  In order to whet appetite for war; all that was required was a preposterously treacherous enemy; an unprecedented urge to do or die; for alleviating mankind,

  And in order to whet appetite for love; all that was required was a turbulently throbbing heart; and its immortal ocean of everlasting beats; which for infinite births kept you breathing with the divine; and supremely alive.


  Life is a resplendent flower; the more you ardently inhale it; the more it casts its fragrant spell upon each cranny of your disastrously frazzled demeanor; for centuries immemorial,

  Life is an invincible mountain; the more you valiantly clamber it; the more it impregnably defends every iota of your bereaved countenance; against the most

  acrimoniously vicious attacks,

  Life is a tantalizing ocean; the more you profusely swim in it; the more it envelops your cloudburst of inexplicable agonies; with its enchantingly rhapsodic tanginess,

  Life is a ravishing cloud; the more insatiably you float in it; the more it encapsulates your monotonously beleaguered senses; in an entrenchment of mystically voluptuous sensuousness,

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