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Life = Death - volume 1 - Poems on Life Death Page 2
Life = Death - volume 1 - Poems on Life Death Read online
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A dedication to the magnificently perpetual vivacity of the boundless Universe; which spawned intoOmnipotently new life; every unfurling second of the day and night,
A dedication to the irrefutably resolute tenacity of all those disastrously maimed and still alive; bouncing in the full and profound euphoria of magnanimously scintillating life,
A dedication to the ideals of glorious selflessness; the ecumenically resplendent essence of One God; and an unconquerably One Humanity,
A dedication to the threads of invincible friendship; which intrepidly confronts even the most acrimoniously ghastly impediments; with an exuberantly jubilant smile,
A dedication to the ubiquitously uniting and priceless breath; which regally blessed upon every organism irrespective of caste; creed or religion; the right to be symbiotically surviving and holistically alive,
A dedication to the immortally impregnably beats of the heart; which coalesced you forever and ever and ever with the most bountifully cherishable love of your life,
A dedication to all those whom you are wonderfully acquainted with; to all those who were quintessential in inspiring you; to surge forward victoriously in vibrant life,
O! Yes Life is marvelously endowing paradise of friendship; beauty and heavenly bonding; Life is the most unfathomably precious gift from the Almighty Lord; Life
is a sacred dedication.
Fertility. Is what every true brain on this fathomless Universe unrelentingly seeks; in order to blossom into the most invincibly spell binding festoon of ideas; upon which countless more generations ahead could solely run.
Fertility. Is what every true soil on this boundless Universe endlessly seeks; in order to blossom into the most robustly enamoring of fruit and food; wonderfully mollifying the preposterously emaciated stomachs of trillions thereby.
Fertility. Is what every true finger on this limitless Universe unceasingly seeks; in order to blossom into the most fructifying canvases of royally unfettered artistry; brilliantly metamorphosing even the most infinitesimal speck of robotically brutally monotony; into an unimpeachably spotless paradise; thereby.
Fertility. Is what every true sky on this untiring Universe ardently seeks; in order to blossom into the most tantalizingly rhapsodic of clouds; which perennially ensured that planet earth triumphantly bloomed with compassion and not lecherously lamenting drought.
Fertility. Is what every true ocean on this astounding Universe undyingly seeks; in order to blossom into the most quintessential frosty cisterns of salt; upon which profusely relied the taste buds of the entire resplendently living race.
Fertility. Is what every true throat on this effulgent Universe interminably seeks; in order to blossom into the most mellifluously titillating tunes of togetherness; to which every cranny of this remorsefully manipulative planet today; danced in
uninhibitedly vivacious abandon.
Fertility. Is what every true flesh on this timeless Universe infallibly seeks; in order to blossom into the most victorious goose-bumps of insuperable excitement; which blissfully transcended the whiplashes of inexplicable desperation forever and ever and ever.
Fertility. Is what every true eye on this unending Universe constantly seeks; in order to blossom into the most intriguingly bewitching of panoramic fantasy; which inculcated fresh rays of hope into even the most ghastily extinguishing organism on this planet.
Fertility. Is what every true armpit on this inexhaustible Universe tirelessly seeks; in order to blossom into the most euphorically exhilarating droplets of golden sweat; which miraculously transformed all oblivions of profane laziness into perpetually emollient perseverance.
Fertility. Is what every true mother on this optimistic Universe indefatigably seeks; in order to blossom into the most pricelessly impregnable fountains of milk; so that there evolves a formidably fearless and undefeated generation; of the tomorrow.
Fertility. Is what every true man and woman on this majestic Universe unendingly seek; in order to blossom into the most fragrantly blessed chapters of God’s creation; which forever ensured that none could put brakes to the symbiotic proliferation of planet divine.
Fertility. Is what every true mirror on this eternal Universe intransigently seeks; in order to blossom into the most irrefutably unconquerable reflections of honesty; which acted as the sole pivot for gripping the chords of this bounteously
jubilant planet.
Fertility. Is what every true soldier on this inscrutable Universe inextricably seeks; in order to blossom into the most peerlessly blazing Sun of martyrdom; so that countless other innocent civilians could forever sleep in unfettered peace.
Fertility. Is what every true Sun on this unconquerable Universe uncompromisingly seeks; in order to blossom into the most triumphant beams of unprejudiced heroism; which enlightened every pathetically beleaguered space upon this iridescent planet.
Fertility. Is what every true vein on this benign Universe wholeheartedly seeks; in order to blossom into the most impeccably egalitarian and humanitarian droplets of blood; which timelessly amalgamated every speck of the planet into the threads
of unassailably noble brotherhood.
Fertility. Is what every true bee on this Samaritan Universe fervently seeks; in order to blossom into the most unbelievably melodious caverns of honey; which put all wanton consternation in the atmosphere to an eternal rest.
Fertility. Is what every true soul on this ebullient Universe undefeatedly seeks; in order to blossom into the most benevolent ideals of peace; harmony; friendship and humanity; upon which were erected the original foundations of this planet; by the Almighty Lord.
Fertility. Is what every true nostril on this poignant Universe inexorably seeks; in order to blossom into the most inimitably pungent chapters of sparkling life; which paid an wholesomely incorrigible deaf ear; to the wails of the devil and death.
And Fertility. Is what every true heart on this spectacular Universe incessantly seeks; in order to blossom into the most torrentially Omnipotent Cloudshowers of love; which were the ultimate panacea for every disease and suffering ever thriving on this
impoverished planet.
Death was the greatest pacifier; after which every thwarted desire of the physical form; wonderfully evaporated and became a mist of celestially everlasting solitude,
Death was the greatest purifier; after which even the most evanescent ounce of the inevitably sinful body; wholesomely dissolved to perennially blend with the holy natural soil and atmosphere,
Death was the greatest fantasizer; after which each impoverished element of the soul unabashedly fantasized in an infinite directions; without the tiniest of tensions or frustrations of manipulatively castrated life,
Death was the greatest immortalizer; after which every good and Samaritan deed of living being; was idolized and gave strength to existing man to conquer all evil; till times immemorial,
Death was the greatest synthesizer; after which even the most ethereal trace of ghoulish imbalance in the body; settled and whispered in exuberant unison towards every new face of captivating dawn,
Death was the greatest symbolizer; after which each entity became an institution in its very ownself; for whatever good or bad it'd achieved; in the tenure of its otherwise unendingly aspiring life,
Death was the greatest realizer; after which man was able to holistically imbibe his true identity on planet earth; as he unavoidably crumbled like a fence of matchsticks; infront of the Omnipotent Almighty Lord,
Death was the greatest neutralizer; after which even the most invisible insinuation of positivity and negativity; was made articulately same on the plane of sheer and vapid nothingness,
Death was the greatest rationalizer; paving open the way; to the miraculously untiring chapters of bountiful life and extinction; being the most impregnable focal point upon which the Universe rotated,
bsp; Death was the greatest nullifier; bringing living kind to absolute ground zero-after it'd achieved the most inimitable of heights; thereby once again inspiring a whole new chapter of rejuvenating existence,
Death was the greatest fortifier; royally melanging every amiable spirit on this earth; into one unassailably epitomizing wall of silence; which not even the fiercest of wars fought on globe could ever pervade,
Death was the greatest womanizer; after which the haplessly divested spirit of worldly life; easily entered and left the most beautiful maidens upon this earth; without causing the slightest of stir or perceivable scratch,
Death was the greatest desensitizer; after which even the most hideously uncouth bombarding to the physical form; the most inexplicable agony to the heart; seemed like a paradise of poignantly virgin roses,
Death was the greatest socializer; after which endless communities after communities; the greatest of friends and foes; all assembled together to unanimously pray for the peaceful liberation of the soul,
Death was the greatest randomizer; eccentrically selecting a living organism of any shape; size; color; status; age; anytime in its completely and irrefutably unchallengeable swirl,
Death was the greatest energizer; suddenly granting those wings of uninhibitedness to the deliriously incarcerated soul; to ebulliently circle round the planet a countless number of times,
Death was the greatest sermonizer; automatically inculcating a boundless values and significance about the chapters of priceless breath and existence; as it timelessly stared down every eyeball; be it newborn or staggeringly old,
Death was the greatest revitalizer; after which the trajectory of enamoring earth witnessed life in its most pristinely effulgent form once again; as the indefatigable imprints of the Omnipresent lord; blossomed in some or the other form of life; once again,
And death was; is and shall ever remain as the greatest Equalizer; after which- the richest and the poorest—the tallest and the shortest—the brightest and the darkest-the strongest and the weakest—the blessed and the maimed—the sighted and the sightless-every single organism of God created with breath on this ever-pervading planet; at last found their true identity as united and one; beneath the deserted and lackluster patch of graveyard soil.
Wasn't it only because of the fear of ghoulishly crucifying death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most ultimate of king; relished every puff of free air in the colossal atmosphere?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of tumultuously asphyxiating death -inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most brazen tip of the mountain; wholesomely letting the waves of titillating adventure whistle past your aroused skin?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of deliriously estranged death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most euphoric waves of the ocean; profoundly exhilarated by the spray of magical existence?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of barbarously silencing death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most poignant shades of the scarlet rose; letting the flavor of creation forever reign supreme in every single ingredient of your blood?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of truculently unsparing death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most extremely aroused particles of rain-soaked soil; letting a perennial festoon of sensuality timelessly drift from each of your veins?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of cold-bloodedly sacrilegious death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most exultated streak of thunder; profusely drowning even the most insouciant of your nerve into the unparalleled roar of life?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of indescribably torturous death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most passionate shade of the rainbow; feeling the unconquerable enlightenment of breath even on severest maniacally depressed day?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of hideously massacring death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most virile layer of the seed; royally proliferating into infinite more of your kind; so that life in your reflection palpitated; even after you died?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of painstakingly divesting death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most everlasting kiss of the lips; trying to suckle every ounce of sweetness from the rhapsodically mesmerizing belly of earth?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of diabolically baseless death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most perpetuating sting of the bumble bee; trying to infiltrate your inimitable sting into every single quarter of the Universe?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of sadistically penalizing death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most everlasting tune of the nightingale; perpetually trying to blend the innermost tune of your soul; with every bit of goodness in the atmosphere?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of deplorably shattering death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most ecstatic roar of the lion; trying to overpower even the most infidel insinuation of the devil; at every step that you tread?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of tawdrily uncouth death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most tantalizing backdrop of the night; handsomely stirring the seduction of a boundless lifetimes within your
impoverished skin and soul?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of cannibalistically castigating death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most blazing pinnacle of the Sun; interminably glowing in the invincibly flaming passion of existence?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of horrifically impotent death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most endless treasuries of opulence; groping to assimilate the very best of everything; on the trajectory of this fathomless Universe?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of morbidly wretched death-inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most enigmatic chirps of the forest; fervently wanting to tingle each impoverished bone of yours; with the undefeated pulse of creation?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of sinfully devastating death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most immortal scent of a lover; trying to savor every single ounce of compassion and friendship; existing as one on this gigantic planet?
Wasn't it only because of the fear of irrevocably wounding death—inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most victoriously scintillating of star; unstoppably triumphing over even the most criminal shades of blackness and despair?
Then how the hell could you christen death as 'Pessimistic' , 'Negative' and the sorts; when it was infact the absolute King of Optimism; the very best; beautiful; bountiful and inevitable blackness; that relentlessly inspired you forward in the chapter of
inscrutable life.
Life is an ocean of ravishing enthrallment; culminating into untamed excitement as each second unfurled itself magnificently,
Its upto you; whether you relish swimming in it; or drown yourself deliberately to blend with the; uncouthly hard bed of disgruntled rocks.
Life is a garden of mesmerizing roses; blossoming into the scent of united harmony; as the Sun filtered royally through the skies,
Its upto you; whether you surreally philander in its stupendous fragrance; or complain about pertinent inse
cts; hovering around its petals.
Life is an unrelenting fantasy; that majestically explored and discovered an unfathomable myriad of poignant emotions in its way,
Its upto you; whether you fantastically dreamt it each instant as you tread on soil; or baselessly wailed about the ominous tinges of black; it enveloped you with; every now and again.
Life is a gorgeously tantalizing mist; seducing the planet every second in its everlastingly pungent swirl,
Its upto you; whether you relentlessly romanced it; or nonchalantly mourned about the enigmatically hazy fog; that enshrouded the whites of your eye.
Life is a mountain of invincible strength; defending the most acrimoniously treacherous of obstacles with its sacredly Omnipotent grace,
Its upto you; whether you adventurously clambered it to achieve your ultimate conquests; or got pathetically intimidated; retreating beyond your shell; witnessing its peaks.