You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 4 Read online

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  But I could still philander in gay abandon through the interiors of the unfathomably grandiloquent castle; explore the most spell binding places on this planet; in my dreams .

  I might be wholesomely lonely; with people preferring the most inconspicuous of job; to my abhorrently repulsive facial contours,

  But I could still talk till times immemorial with the entity I desired; incarcerate even the most alien in the swirl of my untamed passion; in my dreams .

  I might be an unsurpassably ancient fossil; lying buried for centuries unprecedented beneath layers of obsolete sand,

  But I could still gyrate with the most overwhelmingly contemporary form of life; be a part of profusely fascinating and pragmatic present; in my dreams .

  I might be an infinitesimally humble personality; withering away worse than a broken leaf at the tiniest draught of gloomy breeze,

  But I could still win over the heart of every single organism in this world; impregnate my irrefutably truthful impression in their eyes for decades unlimited; in my dreams .

  And I might be deprive of the love that I had taken birth for on this most wonderful earth of God; being insidiously betrayed by the girl whom I could give my life for,

  But I could still love her; not only for this life; but for countless more births even after my death; ebulliently blossom and romance with her in the aisles of insatiable desire; in my dreams .









  Powerful to smile; as I heard something abysmally resonating in ludicrous vicinity,

  Powerful to fight; as I confronted the mightiest of disaster with astronomical fortitude and tenacity,

  Powerful to sleep; as I snored more thunderously than the demons; resting in overwhelmingly celestial contentment,

  Power to admire; as I sighted the mesmerizing puffs of clouds floating passionately in azure sky,

  Powerful to sketch; as I masterfully captured the labyrinth of picturesque sights which majestically dotted the fathomless gorge,

  Powerful to sing; as I inundated the gloomy atmosphere with everlasting waves of seductively rhapsodic melody,

  Powerful to mimic; as I possessed the incomprehensibly fascinating virtue to emulate a boundless myriad of voice,

  Powerful to write; as I deluged a mountain of disdainfully barren paper; with exquisite lines of oligarchic literature,

  Powerful to fantasize; as I triggered the chords of enigmatic imagination to the most ebulliently unprecedented limits,

  Powerful to speak; as I silenced unrelentingly menacing mobs of fanatic people; with the domineering authority in my voice,

  Powerful to dance; as I gyrated my body in insatiable agony under profusely milky rays of enchanting moonlight,

  Powerful to run; as I galloped like the vivacious panther; through the mystical forests at the unveiling of each ephemeral dawn,

  Powerful to flirt; as I had this inexplicable tenacity to incarcerate any alien in the swirl of my indefatigable mischief,

  Powerful to dig; as I impregnated a tunnel of vibrantly optimistic hope; in layers

  of obdurately infidel soil,

  Powerful to stare; as I relentlessly looked the sweltering sun without flinching the slightest; for hours immemorial,

  Powerful to chew; as I masticated the most resilient morsels of food into handsome bits of pulverized chowder,

  Powerful to forsee; as I perspicaciously tackled each aspect of pragmatically monotonous life; measuring each step of mine as I walked,

  Powerful to breathe; as I lived each moment of life to its most unbelievable capacity; with the euphoria to perennially discover fervently besieging me,

  But powerless to face her; as I wholesomely submitted my humble countenance to the wave of her turbulently swirling love; bonding my heart; body and soul with

  the immortal essence of her sacred existence .




  When I used my mind; I sagaciously manipulated the various nuances of clambering up the treacherous mountain; as the chances of survival were bizarrely slim,

  While when I listened to my heart; not only did it clamber up the jagged periphery with exhilarated zeal; but emerged triumphant on the astronomical summit; with the Sun streaming across my eyes in its dazzling shine .

  When I used my mind; I contemplated several times of venturing out in the gruesome darkness; the deathly chill that awaited to incarcerate me; as I alighted my foot on the deserted streets,

  While when I listened to my heart; not only did I trespass through the entire planet bare foot; but thoroughly enjoyed the exotic rhapsody of the enchantingly pearly moonlight .

  When I used my mind; I ruminated till eternity before plunging into the undulating ocean; equating the chances I had to survive; amidst a battalion of hostile sharks and whales,

  While when I listened to my heart; not only did I swim ebulliently against the voluptuously mesmerizing waves; but profusely admired the beauty of God's

  fathomless creation of froth .

  When I used my mind; I trembled in inexplicable fear of wading through the dense jungles; the overwhelmingly torturous death that would come inevitably; as the Lion pulverized me to infinitesimal pieces,

  While when I listened to my heart; not only did I bounce exuberantly with the Kangaroos; but inhaled in my lungs the freshest air ever; that could be found on

  the trajectory of this Universe .

  When I used my mind; I vehemently shrugged off the prospect of standing in the rain; perceiving the cloudbursts of satanic lightening creeping diabolically to assassinate traces of my vital life,

  While when I listened to my heart; not only did I bathe in the seductively tantalizing droplets; but slipped into a land of fabulously gorgeous fantasy for decades unfathomable .

  When I used my mind; I felt a wave of repulsion engulfing myself; as I knew my ugly facial contours would shatter any glass when sighted into,

  While when I listened to my heart; not only did I stare relentlessly into the mirror; but bowed down to the Creator in meek submission; for the incomprehensibly beautiful looks he had bestowed me with .

  When I used my mind; I deliberately closed my nose with repugnant abhorrence; spurious ruminating upon the myriad of venomous smells that would strangulate

  me to realms of perennial death,

  While when I listened to my heart; not only did I breathe with a fervor more than any entity trespassing; but insurmountably relished the unfathomably wonderful scents that loitered in free space .

  When I used my mind; I sat crouched in one obsolete dilapidated corner; cognizing the barricades that I was likely to encounter at each stage of life; the blanket of thorns that I would have to trespass upon to escalate to the corridors of success,

  While when I listened to my heart; not only did I stretch my persona to more than its complete height; but metamorphosed each of my dreams into a trend-setting reality .

  When I used my mind; I always shirked from proclaiming my love to the girl I loved; feeling myself buried boundless feet beneath my corpse; as the society would

  brutally squelch me for violating their irrefutable choice,

  While when I listened to my heart; not only did I achieve the love of my life; but bonded for times immortal in the swirl of majestically soaring passion; in the swirl of timelessly enchanting romance .




  Even if the gigantic tree shrunk miserably in size; metamorphosing into an inconspicuously shivering seedling,

  Even if the colossal oceans swirling handsomely towards the sky; reduced to a solitary stream; trickling more lackadaisically than the tortoise,

  Even if the conglomerate of sinister clouds in the cosmos; condensed to bare bits of dilapidated plain sky,

if the incomprehensibly colossal edifice; converted into a wretchedly fluttering and crying stone,

  I was still skeptical to leave you outside; for the moment you caressed your stupendously enchanting foot on soil; the silent world would come alive again; and

  I feared to loose you amidst the infinite tangible organisms; trying to cast their spell on your impeccably charismatic grace .

  Even if the flamboyantly escalating fire; became a piece of forlorn and thoroughly obsolete coal,

  Even if the insurmountably towering mountains; transformed into a festoon of ants with disdainfully fractured legs,

  Even if the indefatigably unending fantasy; got pathetically pulverized into monotonous bits of pragmatic reality,

  Even if the profoundly poignant streams of scarlet blood; reduced to insipid bits of overwhelmingly stale water,

  I was still skeptical to leave you outside; for the moment you caressed your stupendously enchanting foot on soil; the silent world would come alive again; and

  I feared to loose you amidst the infinite tangible organisms; trying to cast their spell on your impeccably charismatic grace .

  Even if the diabolically charging striped panther; changed dramatically into a pair of decayed and light weight bones,

  Even if the unsurpassably huge swarming battlefield; became a breeding ground for diminutive glow worm and mice,

  Even if the richest entities transgressing upon this Universe; ironically started begging bare chested on the rampantly busy streets,

  Even if the unfathomable flock of satanic vultures; were now just stripped to a bizarrely mocking caricature of balding feathers,

  I was still skeptical to leave you outside; for the moment you caressed your stupendously enchanting foot on soil; the silent world would come alive again; and

  I feared to loose you amidst the infinite tangible organisms; trying to cast their spell on your impeccably charismatic grace .


  Even if the boisterously bouncing Kangaroos; became infinitesimally stony reflections embodied deep within clammy cocoons of soil,

  Even if the incredulously redolent lotus flower; now became a shriveled petal being kicked viciously farther and farther away; with every draught of timid wind,

  Even if the most mesmerizing of voices on this planet; reduced to dying whispers; profusely battered to complete absolution in the atmosphere,

  Even if the entire globe functioning dynamically under the sweltering Sun; came to an abrupt halt; changing wholesomely into obscure dew drops trapped inside an

  obnoxiously corked bottle,

  I was still skeptical to leave you outside; for the moment you caressed your stupendously enchanting foot on soil; the silent world would come alive again; and

  I feared to loose you amidst the infinite tangible organisms; trying to cast their spell on your impeccably charismatic grace .




  Even as the most immaculately placid rivers; truculently metamorphosed into ruthlessly lambasting fires of diabolical hell,

  Even as an unfathomable corpse of lethally penalizing bullets rang inclemently all round the atmosphere; with indiscriminate devils marauding at free will,

  Even as the most majestically towering mountains crumbled like a pack of frigidly insipid cards; pathetically kissing horrendous particles of threadbare dust,

  Even as the fountain of salaciously treacherous lechery reigned supreme in the gigantic planet around; with the graveyard of hideous manipulation embedding

  itself deeper and deeper into holistic soil,

  Their immortal love remained as fragrant as the pristine flower of perennial peace; perpetually glowed with the spirit of irrefutably sparkling righteousness; with the blessings of the Omniscient Almighty Lord .


  Even as man parasitically sucked his counterpart man; savagely devouring every ingredient of his innocuous bloodstream; to replenish his own treasuries with

  malicious discontent,

  Even as the handsomely blistering Sun intractably refrained to shimmer; portraying its unsurpassable anger upon satanically erring mankind,

  Even as pragmatic time morbidly deadened in its very roots; gruesomely convoluting with the heinoustraitors and gory death; fulminating uninhibitedly around,

  Even as the most viciously tumultuous thunderstorms of acrid dust; dreadfully obfuscated the entire civilization in whirlwinds of abhorrently vengeful sledging and slandering,

  Their immortal love remained as eternally sacrosanct as the celestial heavens; philanthropically radiating the religion of gloriously everlasting mankind upon

  one and all alike; with the blessings of the Omnipotent Almighty Lord .

  2 .

  Even as an unfathomable entrenchment of innocent eyes; were sordidly blinded with waves of irascibly derogatory commercialism,

  Even as ominously stinking gutters of bizarre ruthlessness cut loose upon the unwitting cities; ingloriously inundating every particle of the atmosphere with brutally horrific despair,

  Even as avalanches of coldblooded slavery transcended past the era’s of truth; as every living organism became a barbarically untamed criminal; rampantly

  massacring innocent lives,

  Even as the torturous tyranny of fate unceremoniously penalized the fathomless world; with the essence of the devil invidiously lingering in the disparaging

  solitude that smarted around,

  Their immortal love resplendently blossomed like the harmoniously twinkling stars in the gargantuan sky; benevolently disseminating the mantra of pricelessly effulgent existence; with the blessings of the unassailably marvelous Almighty Lord .

  3 .

  Even as pugnacious lizards of gory infidelity stabbed their rebellious venom; into the unequivocally virgin fabric of this colossal Universe,

  Even as dungeons of tyrannical desperation enveloped the limitless cosmos; with every human despicably transforming into insidiously plagiarized shit,

  Even as the most diminutive bit of enchanting melody; became a perfidiously whipping expletive of disgusting extinction; excoriating all voluptuous sensuousness

  with the sword of conventionally robotic turgidity,

  Even as heinously perilous death overruled the chapter of scintillating life; as even the most royally aristocratic of human life; became a fickle headed commodity being disdainfully pulverized; by power politics,

  Their immortal love bloomed more tantalizingly than ever before; impregnably bonded in the cradle of unflinching solidarity for infinite more births yet to

  unveil; with the blessings of the Omnipresent Almighty Lord .



  The clouds didn’t need even the most capricious of permission whatsoever; to torrentially diffuse intounrelenting thunderbolts of ecstatically golden rain,

  The rose didn’t need even the most infinitesimal of permission whatsoever; to grandiloquently culminate into a fountain of ebullient scent; stupendously

  mystify every iota of the bedraggled atmosphere,

  The grass didn’t need even the most spurious of permission whatsoever; to euphorically tingle traumatically dreary soles; miraculously metamorphose all swelteringly dolorous into a cistern of rhapsodic freshness,

  The sheep didn’t need even the most mercurial of permission whatsoever; to leave behind a trail of immaculate belonging; profusely inundate the disastrously commercial arena with meadows of glorious innocuousness,

  The stars didn’t need even the most parsimonious of permission whatsoever; to resplendently twinkle all night; timelessly deluge the ghastly curtainspread of

  sullen darkness; with whirlwinds of optimistic light,

  The Sun didn’t need even the most diminutive of permission whatsoever; to flamboyantly blaze through every quarter of this colossal Universe; ubiquitously

  disseminate its spell of enchanting optimism to every dwelling besieged with horrendous despair,
  The mountains didn’t need even the most tiniest of permission whatsoever; to compassionately sequester the infirm in their affable belly; tower majestically

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