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1 God – Poems on God Creator – volume 1 Page 2
1 God – Poems on God Creator – volume 1 Read online
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Favorite Soldier= Every soldier who has the tenacity to singularly stand bare-chested against the army of countless perfidious demons; happily embracing death to immortalize the venerated lap of his mother soil .
Favorite Mantra= The mantra of Perpetually impeccable love; celestially coalescing every caste; creed; color and tribe; into a breath of unconquerably regale oneness .
Favorite Eyes= The eyes which waft perennial empathy; for all those miserably deprived and haplessly tyrannized .
Favorite Persona= The persona which sees no evil; hears no evil; speaks no evil; mellifluously smiles to alleviate bereaved humanity; even in the face of maliciously dastardly defeat .
Favorite Word= Life. An entrenchment of unsurpassably spell binding newness and synergistic survival transcending over every conceivable and inconceivable thing in vicinity .
Favorite Therapy= The Balm of aristocratically emollient truth and selfless philanthropism; which wholesomely overrules even the most cancerous of disease; which entirely transcends the most hedonistically murderous of devil .
4. 1 GOD
There were several colors in this world; some were as black as the hideous reptile; while some were pearly and sparkling white,
There were several tunes in this world; some were as sweet as the nightingale; while some were as hoarse and discordant as the horse,
There were several seasons in this world; some were as hot as the blistering sun; while some were placid reflections of the serene night,
There were several hair in this world; some were as fiery as flamboyant flames of the fire; while some were honey and golden brown,
There were several fishes in this world; some were as tiny as shells; while some were monstrously huge as the shark,
There were several dwellings in this world; some were as fortified as raw iron; while some were languidly drooping down like the pigeon feather,
There were several eyes in this world; some were sizzling incessantly in unseething passion; while some were as uncouth as dry ice,
There were several cars in this world; some were as swanky as the dungeon full of diamonds; while some had no engine at all,
There were several entities in this world; some were as pretentious as the peacock; while some slept timidly like black mice,
There were several cheek's in this world; some had boundless tufts of black beard; while some were as effeminate as the queen's garden,
There were several waters in this world; some swirling as turbulently as the ocean; while some flowed like molten butter melting down,
There were several smiles in this world; some were as spurious as the cunningly astute businessman; while some were humanitarian and ready to assist at all times,
There were several perfumes in this world; some were as mesmerizing to inhale as the scarlet rose; while some caused you to vomit out the food you had consumed for morning breakfast,
There were several roads in this world; some were blissful carpets of satin to transgress upon; while some were embedded profusely with acrid thorns,
There were several dreams in this world; some were as ghastly as savage massacre; while some were as exotic as heavenly paradise,
There were several clothes in this world; some were as gaudy as the resplendent rainbow; while some were rustically entwined roots,
There were several religions in this world; some believed in burying man after his death; while some charred him to raw ash after he left breath,
There were several languages in this world; some were as primordial as mystical Sanskrit; while some were contemporary and Oriental English,
There were several bodies in this world; some were as tall as the lanky tree; while some hardly grew above the kitchen sink,
And there were several forms of Almighty Lord; some were called "Christ", some "Allah", some "Buddha", some "Bhagwan", but from centuries unprecedented;
since the time this earth of ours evolved; and even before; there has been just one Creator; Just ONE GOD .
It might perhaps take more than an infinite perennially blossoming trees; to make this brutally estranged earth today; a more holistically fantastic paradise to live in and blissfully exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite tantalizingly exuberant nightingales; to make this traumatically lambasted earth today; a more symbiotically compassionate paradise to live in and beautifully exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite magnanimously twinkling stars; to make this miserably sadistic earth today; a more convivially magnetic paradise to live in and synergistically exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite marvelously vivacious rainbows; to make this obnoxiously wretched earth today; a more magnificently royal paradise to live in and unequivocally exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite invincibly overpowering mountains; to make this agonizingly decrepit earth today; a more celestially jubilant paradise to live in and unassailably exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite sensuously bewitching meadows; to make this horrendously dastardly earth today; a more tranquilly enchanting paradise to live in and insuperably exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite romantically bestowing clouds; to make this dreadfully beleaguered earth today; a more holistically vibrant paradise to live in and timelessly exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite vividly boisterous bees; to make this monotonously deadened earth today; a more effulgently mystical paradise to
live in and indefatigably exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite globules of tantalizingly artistic rain; to make this vindictively upbraiding earth today; a more exotically triumphant paradise to live in and tirelessly exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite ubiquitously enthralling roses; to make this mercilessly indiscriminate earth today; a more benevolently harmonious paradise to live in and timelessly exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite rays of the flamboyantly fumigating Sun; to make this truculently satanic earth today; a more enthrallingly euphoric paradise to live in and magically exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite arrows of irrefutably priceless justice; to make this sordidly staggering earth today; a more blazingly patriotic paradise to live in and peerlessly exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite playgrounds of uninhibitedly cavorting honey; to make this disparagingly corrupt earth today; a more fearlessly intrepid paradise to live in and unflinchingly exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite mists of perennially fragrant simplicity; to make this spuriously sanctimonious earth today; a more ecstatically handsome paradise to live in and sensuously exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite fireballs of philanthropic courage; to make this delinquently betraying earth today; a more righteously embracing paradise to live in and regally exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite breaths of indomitably indisputable innocence; to make this cannibalistically murderous earth today; a more miraculously mitigating paradise to live in and eternally exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite beats of pricelessly untainted love; to make this savagely parasitic earth today; a more Omnipotently benign paradise to live in and gregariously exist; once again,
It might perhaps take more than an infinite moments of truthful perseverance; to make this barbarously incarcerating earth today; a more bountifully proliferating paradise to live in and unambiguously exist; once again,
But there has; is; and shall forever be just “One God”; not only controlling every infinitesimal action; not only impregnably monitoring even the most inconspicuous wish of infinite more than the infi
nite above for this birth; but for an infinite more births of bliss and marvelous blithe .
For every bird gruesomely killed; he had the power to create infinite more fledglings,
For every river dried miserably to a trickle; he had the power to create infinite oceans,
For every tree brutally chopped to the ground; he had the power to create infinite forests,
For every eye inadvertently blinded; he had the power to create infinite with sight,
For every satanic night taking a complete stranglehold on light; he had the power to create infinite brilliant days,
For every tongue which was disdainfully dumb; he had the power to create infinite mouths which could speak and shout,
For every iota of currency furtively stolen; he had the power to create infinite banks looming high and handsome till the heavens,
For every couple who was childless and rendered cruelly unable to procreate; he had the power to create infinite more households bustling with a battalion of toddlers,
For every brain that was wholesomely exhausted; he had the power to create infinite intelligent minds,
For every child disastrously orphaned on the streets; he had the power to create infinite families complete in all respects,
For every blade of grass mercilessly trampled; he had the power to create infinite meadows of lush green crop,
For every skeleton lying disdainfully buried under the coffin; he had the power to create infinite bodies; dancing about in robust health and thunderous fervor,
For every scalp that was balder than the egg; he had the power to create infinite strands of shimmering hair,
For every life lost unwittingly during the tumultuous earthquake; he had the power to create infinite more souls as Kings,
For every slave bound wretchedly to gleaming chains; he had the power to create infinite crusaders to break open the shackles,
For every throat that was dangerously thirsty; he had the power to create infinite mouths slavering with excess water,
For every watch that had abruptly relinquished to function; he had the power to create infinite clocks ticking at electric speeds,
For every Albino engulfed entirely with a coat of appalling pink skin; he had the power to create infinite beauties with the most charismatic of flesh,
For every house that had been diabolically pulverized to raw dust during war; he had the power to create infinite palaces; blended profusely with glittering gold and silver,
For every demon wandering at will on this earth; he had the power to create infinite angels to valiantly defend the world,
For every heart pathetically broken; he had the power to create and bind infinite having just taken birth,
His power to create was simply unprecedented; his process of evolution was simply boundless and beyond the most unimaginable degree of comprehension; and that is why he was not only mine; but every person's Almighty Creator .
Perpetually blinding me to all hopelessness on this gigantic Universe; as I gaped indefatigably like a new born child; towards its infinite streams of unflinching golden and austere light,
Perpetually blinding me to all depression on this boundless Universe; as I ebulliently galloped under its unrelentingly amber goodness; the invincible scepter of its profoundly royal light,
Perpetually blinding me to all venomousness on this endless Universe; as I unabashedly let each of its unconquerably blazing rays; wondrously kiss and heal my inexplicably fluttering chest and soul,
Perpetually blinding me to all manipulation on this untiring Universe; as I let its miraculously healing rays; blissfully perpetuate into even the most obfuscated ingredient of my blood,
Perpetually blinding me to all ugliness on this fathomless Universe; as all I witnessed was exotic life burgeoning to its royal fullest; through its undyingly mellifluous beams of freshness; and until the last point till where its rays stretched,
Perpetually blinding me to all parasites on this dimensionless Universe; as I inherently relished to honestly perspire and break into a billion droplets of perspiration for my bread; under its fierily untamed and crimson light,
Perpetually blinding me to all inequality on this inscrutable Universe; as I profusely admired the unison of its countless rays into a united mass of compassionate togetherness; before eventually falling
and illuminating the trajectory of earth divine,
Perpetually blinding me to all greed on this limitless Universe; as I earnestly worshipped its unimaginably altruistic goodness; ubiquitously disseminated in the form of victorious light; to even the remotest cranny of morbidly slithering soil,
Perpetually blinding me to all destiny and tawdry magic on this
bewitching Universe; as I learnt to irrefutably sculpt my very own path and life of truth; under the Omnipresent fullness of its philanthropic light,
Perpetually blinding me to all negativity on this undaunted Universe; as I emerged victorious and as the most royal emperor; following the innermost tunes of my heart; under its rays of Omniscient positivity,
Perpetually blinding me to all fear on this unfettered Universe; as each of its divinely undefeated rays; lit lanterns of priceless hope in the wretched blacks of my cowardly eyes; in every direction that I turned under the sky,
Perpetually blinding me to all infidelity on this enamoring Universe; as I wholesomely imbibed that true power was in melodious togetherness; with fingers forever interlocked in the spirit of camaraderie; under its tirelessly roaring inferno of passionate light,
Perpetually blinding me to all hysteria on this unhindered Universe; as each frazzled nerve of my brain celestially savored its euphorically infallible blaze; to forever rise as a civilization of symbiotic newness,
Perpetually blinding me to all balderdash on this ecstatic Universe; as I articulately interweaved every conceivable ingredient of my existence to the hilt of satisfaction; under its eternally subliming shades of dawn,
Perpetually blinding me to all terrorism on this inexhaustible Universe; as all I could sight were the innumerable flames of uninhibited love; under its swelteringly princely rays which coalesced the entire planet into one; irrespective of the baseless boundaries of caste; creed; color or tribe,
Perpetually blinding me to all despairing blackness on this redolent Universe; as I could sight nothing else but unassailably blistering daylight; till even beyond the horizons; under its divinely unbreakable spell,
Perpetually blinding me to all stagnation on this emollient Universe; as till wherever my vision stretched; all I witnessed was freshness proliferating at the speed of light; under its ardently unbridled cosmos of creativity,
Perpetually blinding me to all death on this unshakable Universe; as all that reached my nostrils was the spirit of undyingly blessed and humanitarian existence; under its vivaciously humming rays of eternal freedom,
Was not just singularly mine; not just singularly yours; but unitedly ours and only ours; very very special and majestically invincible Creator; in the form of the brilliant "Sun God".
For as long as the sun has shone in the cosmos; filtering a path of electric light through the silken puffs of clouds,
For as long as the moon has shimmered amidst a pool of darkness; emitting a stream of mystical silver rays,
For as long as the river has cascaded down the mountain slopes; culminating into a fountain of mesmerizing froth; after blending with the sparkling rocks,
For as long as the deserts have formed whirlpools of sand; with turbulent currents of dust sweeping majestically across every unleashing minute,
For as long as the rose has emanated its enchanting redolence; left its lingering fragrance to wholesomely besiege ones dreary persona,
For as long as raw salt has lived in the sea; rising and falling rampantly with the undulating w
For as long as the birds have chirped melodiously on the trees; inundating the nonchalant atmosphere with waves of enthralling music,
For as long as the potbellied turtle has philandered innocuously; nibbling merrily at the fat chunk of green leaves,
For as long as the stars have twinkled in the cloudless sky; granting celestial reprieve from the ominous dark circumventing the earth,
For as long as blistering lava has remained incarcerated in earth's belly; traveling at lightening speeds through a labyrinth of its crevices,
For as long as the chameleon has changed its shades; camouflaged itself perfectly with its vibrant surroundings,
For as long as the rain has plummeted from the sky; drenching scorched slabs of soil with stupendously cool water,