Life = Death - volume 4 - Poems on Life , Death Page 11
Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; immortally blessed love; when we’d first met and proposed in the Omnisciently unshakable realms of the mosque; as its regally harmonious contours,
And can you believe it ! Even after doing so much for us; portraying our love so perpetually and in an infinite of its magical forms; to a boundless more of our future generations; the world still stupidly said; that the photograph was spinelessly emotionless and “Lifeless”.
Whether the inexplicably shivering beggar spoke it; or whether it diffused magnetically from the stupendously rich man’s mouth,
Whether the pathetically diminutive ant spoke it; or whether it diffused roaringly from the overwhelmingly majestic lion’s mouth,
Whether the horrendously ugly witch spoke it; or whether it diffused gloriously from the unequivocally beautiful princess’s mouth,
Whether the pathetically slithering snake spoke it; or whether it diffused articulately from the voluptuously seductive nightingale’s mouth,
Whether the ridiculously staggering clown spoke it; or whether it diffused handsomely from the valiantly fighting; and majestically patriotic soldier’s mouth,
Whether the sordidly black slave spoke it; or whether it diffused opulently from the grandiloquently embellished queen’s mouth,
Whether the infinitesimally wavering ant spoke it; or whether it diffused domineeringly from the royally towering elephant’s mouth,
Whether the tyrannically starved orphan spoke it; or whether it diffused toweringly from the unfathomably blessed and bountiful mountain’s mouth,
Whether the irrevocably hideous cactus spoke it; or whether it diffused rhapsodically from the magnanimously showering cloud’s mouth,
Whether the perpetually deaf man spoke it; or whether it diffused spell-bindingly from the ingratiatingly tantalizing magician’s mouth,
Whether the languidly idling tortoise spoke it; or whether it diffused dynamically from the flamboyantly zipping and dynamic fire’s mouth,
Whether the intermittently pertinent mosquito spoke it; or whether it diffused synergistically from the incredulously gorgeous eagle’s mouth,
Whether the brutally scorched camel spoke it; or whether it diffused poignantly from the unsurpassably Kingly ocean’s mouth,
Whether the gruesomely illiterate urchin spoke it; or whether it diffused integrally from the irrefutably prudent and sacred philosopher’s mouth,
Whether the devastatingly old and bedraggled grandfather spoke it; or whether it diffused exuberantly from the lusciously vivacious and enthrallingly dancing
angel’s mouth,
Whether the grisly haired rat spoke it; or whether it diffused celestially from the heavenly spiritual and charismatic Goddess’s mouth,
Whether the ignominiously castigated artist spoke it; or whether it diffused seductively from the wonderfully captivating fairy’s mouth,
Whether the hopelessly extinguished candle spoke it; or whether it diffused authoritatively from the benevolently crowned monarch’s mouth,
And whether the incomprehensibly shattered heart spoke it; or whether it diffused immortally from the profusely replenished lover’s mouth,
Truth would always and irrefutably remain only as TRUTH FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER ; bonding all those with a philanthropically symbiotic will to survive; in
thunderbolts of everlasting passion; in the blankets of impregnable humanity; alike.
You just climb the tree with a spirit of adventure drenching each of your bedraggled senses; and the winds of untamed euphoria encapsulating each of your dreary nerves,
Why are you bothered about counting the innumerable number of branches that came in between; the incomprehensibly pertinent barricade of worms and insects that you encountered in your way ?
You just eat the mango wholeheartedly with stupendous relish; rhapsodically devouring its majestic skin with the ecstatic buds in your tongue,
Why are you bothered about counting the unsurpassable number of seeds incarcerated in its belly; the baseless strands of bitterness that protruded
harmlessly from its body ?
You just swim exuberantly across the bountifully ravishing lake; letting the heavenly waters take celestial control over the boundless battalion of frazzled parasites lingering in your insidious blood,
Why are you bothered about counting the meaningless number of ripples that floated on the surface; the innocuously drifting sea weed and frigid lumber that kissed your shriveled skin; as you drifted by ?
You just bask in the aisles of unprecedentedly ebullient fantasy and desire; galloping towards the summit of unparalleled happiness as each instant unveiled by,
Why are you bothered about counting the countless number of images that stupendously enshrouded your nimble mind; the fathomless myriad of color which
hovered obscurely in the interiors of your intriguingly passionate brain cells?
You just patriotically march for your motherland in all situations alike; beheading the army of lecherously blood-sucking traitors on the other side; with your invincible sword of righteousness,
Why are you bothered about counting the invidiously augmenting number of devils; the unending repertoire of insinuations that they harbored; in their murderous
plot to overtopple sagacious mankind ?
You just sight your bountifully endowed reflection in the profusely sparkling mirror; admiring the intricate shapes of your countenance bestowed upon you in vibrant abundance; by the Omnipotent Almighty Lord,
Why are you bothered about counting the worthless sheets of dead fiber imprisoned inside the glass; the disdainful blotches of dirt failing occasionally tocast their impression upon its satiny periphery ?
You just disseminate the ideals of immortal peace; love and humanity; to the most remotest parts of this boundlessly benign Universe,
Why are you bothered about counting the countless fleet of manipulative politicians and tycoons; the ropes of treacherous drudgery that they had spun upon
the crippled and enslaved; alike ?
You just pursue whatever the innermost recesses of your heart dictate; passionately bonding and blending with the waves of unconquerable artistry and the Omnipresent aura of fantasy for centuries immemorial,
Why are you bothered about counting the unendingly monotonous jokers around; for whom nothing else mattered on this earth; but working like an insane clockwork from nine to nine ?
And you just pursue your love in this bloomingly mesmerizing life; immortally coalescing with its Omniscient spirit every time you were bestowed upon with an opportunity to be born; robustly once again,
Why are you bothered about counting the ludicrously corrupt barriers of conventionally rigid society; the tremendously cowardly pattern that they had adopted
since the time that they had emanated their very first breath; the same dastardly pattern which they wanted you to incorrigibly follow; for ostensibly no reason or rhyme ?
My eyes incorrigibly refused to move; remaining stubbornly mute for centuries immemorial,
Until and Unless; the impeccable whites of your enamoring sight; perpetually
interlocked with their sporadically twinkling shine.
My toes irrevocably refused to transgress a single step; pathetically freezing like a mountain of treacherously crippled logs,
Until and Unless; the delectable tinkle of your immaculately divine feet; perpetually interlocked with their boisterous exuberance.
My lips intransigently refused to smile; resembling the murderously gory
interiors of corpse; even in their celestial prime,
Until and Unless; the rubicund pink of your innocuously tantalizing cheeks;
perpetually interlocked with their new found happiness.
My neck dogmatically refused to drift; ludicrously stoning itself like a lame pillar; even as
the entire beauty of this wonderful planet crept by,
Until and Unless; the compassionate tenderness down your ravishing spine; perpetually interlocked with its euphoria to surge forward in vibrant life.
My fingers belligerently refused to write; ridiculously retreating into a shell of rotting nothingness; even as majestic artistry fulminated in their veins,
Until and Unless; the untamed mysticism in your seductive palms; perpetually
interlocked with their resilience rising above the sky.
My stomach venomously refused to eat; starving itself to unprecedented limits; even as lecherously sank deeper and deeper into my grave,
Until and Unless; the voluptuous charm of your ambiguously titillating belly; perpetually interlocked with its uncanny urge to relish the unknown.
My brain vindictively refused to fantasize; drowning itself into a blanket of harrowing sadness; even as the most royal fantasy on this earth blissfully caressed it from all sides,
Until and Unless; the unfathomably grandiloquent reservoir of your mind; perpetually interlocked with its yearning; to blossom into euphoric radiance.
My breath tumultuously refused to diffuse; strangulating me to a countless deaths; inspite of all the oxygen on this planet lingering near my intricate nostrils,
Until and Unless; the Omnipotent aura of your mesmerizing countenance; perpetually interlocked with its ebullient redolence; from all sides.
And my heart vehemently refused to beat; freezing to a pool of frigidly morbid ice; even as torrential rains of insurmountable passion descended down from the sky,
Until and Unless; the profusely poignant palpitations dancing in your Godly chest; perpetually interlocked with its immortal urge; to disseminate the essence of peace; humanity; brotherhood; and symbiotically survive.
When I was tickled with feathers of ghastly lies; I felt beads of insurmountably anguish and desperation overwhelmingly creep up; on every cranny of my impoverished persona,
When I was tickled with feathers of overwhelming commercialism; I felt as if rotting abominably in dungeons of horrifically sinister stagnation,
When I was tickled with feathers of abhorrent malice; I felt as if everything around me in this colossally mesmerizing Universe; was a threadbare mirage of gruesomely insipid nothingness,
When I was tickled with feathers of indiscriminate racializm; I felt as if dagger heads of veritable death; had stabbed me countless kilometers beneath my gory grave,
When I was tickled with feathers of barbaric bloodshed; I felt an uncanny shudder paralyze each element of my spine; collapsed in an ungainly heap on the obdurate ground; relinquishing even the tiniest desire to live,
When I was tickled with feathers of insanely treacherous madness; I felt the artist in me stifle into horrendous oblivion; the harmonious air around me; ominously infiltrating each arena of my innocuous flesh,
When I was tickled with feathers of lecherous savagery; I felt every shade of passionate poignancy evaporate from my blood; plunged into the valley of
extinction; instead of melanging with satanically blood sucking society,
When I was tickled with feathers of betrayal; I felt more devastated than the morbidly ghastly coffins; abnegating wholesomely from all desire and worldly virtues of exotic life,
When I was tickled with feathers of lackadaisical monotony; I felt as if every iota of God’s voluptuous planet was being ruthlessly lambasted; went deep into the mystical forests to meditate till my absolute end,
When I was tickled with feathers of relentless hostility; I felt as if the entire earth had become a capriciously frigid thread of religion; with the spirit of everlasting humanity disappearing into the aisles of non-existence,
When I was tickled with feathers of deplorably raunchy slavery; I felt as if there was no difference between man and animal; cursing every entity; menacingly under my enslaved breath,
When I was tickled with feathers of despondently crippling solitude; I felt as if being pushed into a dungeon of scorpions every unleashing minute; clenching my teeth till the last bone of my exhilarated body split into a boundless pieces,
When I was tickled with feathers of manipulative give and take; I felt as if my existence was a meaningless gutter of foul sewage; with philanthropism and good
will being things of waywardly obsolete past,
When I was tickled with feathers of disparagingly condemnable abuse; I felt each part of my rubicund flesh invidiously tarnished; unable to relive my original euphoria; even after a million baths,
When I was tickled with feathers of despairingly bizarre blackness; I felt as if optimism was a desert that had perennially dried up; as I slithered aimlessly in a whirlpool of uncouth savagery,
When I was tickled with feathers of ludicrously everlasting castigation; I felt as if there was no value of art in this diabolically cold blooded world; drowned myself forever in the ocean of my shattered versatility,
When I was tickled with feathers of dastardly terrorism; I felt as the world had departed from all elements of fabulous brotherhood and empathy; unrelentingly wailed for the innocently beheaded; before I decided to slit; the conglomerate of
my intricate veins apart,
When I was tickled with feathers of disastrously orphaned poverty; I felt tumultuously enraged at the unsurpassably rich; at blowing their surplus opulence
in spurious cigar smoke and wine; whils’t their naked counterparts outside shivered to an unbearable death,
But when I was tickled with feathers of immortally uninhibited love; I felt the most bountifully endowed entity alive; at last felt the beats of my truculently massacred heart; reach inside my chest to forever lead and romance with; majestic life.
High society was pompously spurious; blowing pricelessly precious moments of sacrosanct life; in wisps of obnoxiously sleazy cigar smoke,
High society was abhorrently malicious; invidiously castigating its own counterpart behind their back; while garnering a sanctimonious smile in front of the same,
High society was inconspicuously threadbare; harboring diabolically ominous tendencies for the miserably oppressed; evolving castles of rotting currency on their poignantly scarlet blood,
High society was spuriously ostentatious; diffusing the entire tenure of their claustrophobic life; in dungeons of hideously ungainly manipulation,
High society was brutally tyrannical; indiscriminately lambasting the diminutively innocent; to baselessly inundate their venomous treasuries; with even the very last iota of food in their impoverished stomachs,
High society was insanely ludicrous; unrelentingly dictating the poor to polish their worthless shoes; then wholeheartedly laughing their hearts out; admiring their capriciously grotesque reflection in the same,
High society was ghoulishly devilish; preposterously drinking wine in the realms of their own cheaply glittering chambers; while the immaculately blissful commoner shivered uncontrollably; in the acridly freezing maelstrom outside,
High society was ambiguously hypocrite; perennially breaking hearts like frigid matchsticks; with their devilishly unholy promise towards the chapter of resplendent life,
High society was truculently unforgiving; cold-bloodedly treating even the most inadvertently committed of mistakes; with the vindictively gory heel of their satanic shoe,
High society was abominably authoritative; salaciously dictating their unfathomable graveyard of whims and woes; upon the wonderfully ingratiating fabric of eternal mankind,
High society was treacherously bombarding; demonically marauding the symbiotically triumphant happiness of every righteous household; with raunchily stinking notes of indescribable corruption,
High society was surreptitiously precarious; giving you the merciless slip towards the corpses of ultimate death; when you thought you had secured an invincible
stranglehold on the fortress of bountiful life,
br /> High society was heinously wasting; inviting their snobbishly silken cats to eat in plates of fathomlessly scintillating silver; while the disastrously orphaned urchin was breathing his very last outside,
High society was egregiously parasitic; barbarically sucking rivers of blood to rejuvenate their meaningless lives; when all what they actually needed was just two droplets of holistic water,
High society was indefatigably fretting; agonizingly complaining about God’s panoramically resplendent creation; just because the Sun filtered an iota too
more through their murderously tinted glass,
High society was a ridiculously dead skeleton; incessantly witnessing the Lord’s beautifully fragrant creation through glasses of lecherously licentious wine; and then collapsing into countless bits of worthless chowder; as the wind increased its pace even an inconspicuously exhilarating trifle,